5 Things #002

Daydreamer's Kit

“And behind all this human movement the ocean bobbed and folded and slid, for nothing could keep still, not people, not water, not time.”
― Ian McEwan, The Daydreamer

5 Things #002_0


Pages flipping on the table; Fingers dancing on the keyboard; Coffee going through my throat; Emails sent. We have so many used-to-bes which we call them habits. Rushing through the daily routine and sometimes we are thirsty for a trip, even just in our mind, like a daydream.

5 Things #002_1


Flamingos is a type of wading bird. Young flamingos hatch with greyish red plumage but adults range from light pink to bright red due to aqueous bacteria and beta-Carotene obtained from their food chain. That’s why we can always see thousands of flamingos like a picture of sea in red. This artificial one is lightweight but looks so real. Place it on the coffee table, book shelf, bedside or inside the wardrobe, I like this welcome every time I come home. But it keeps me thinking that one day it will go away like my old pet did.

Puebco Artificial Flamingo / Goldyard

5 Things #002_2

Fire King是1942年的產物,初期主要供應食具給餐廳使用,1976年便正式停產。因日本人的戀舊,產品得以傳承,在2011年生產了復刻系列。復刻版物料比傳統較輕,同樣以透明感重的粉色為主,秀氣的翠綠像玉一樣,下午就喜歡用它呷茶,懶洋洋的。更喜歡用它盛載玫瑰花茶,色調的反差令形態溫順的杯子有破格的驚喜。

Fire King was found in 1942, their products were used mainly in restaurants, the production has stopped in 1976 but reproduced by the Japanese in 2011. The Jane Ray Jadeite set has a fired-on coating over crystal in shades of pastel green, with a raised ribbed pattern around the body of the cup and along the edge of the saucer. We love to have some rose tea with it and spend the whole afternoon observing its contrasting colors.

Fire King Jane Ray Jadeite Cup and Saucer / Goldyard

5 Things #002_3


This vintage army vest has a history of several decades. Its pockets had carried bullets that represent both hope and despair of the soldiers in wartime. Today, we have to build our own abilities to keep us alive. Let’s say if you are a writer, ink will be your ammunition to fight in this world.

Army Bullet Vest / Luddite Original Collections and Vintage Clothing Store

5 Things #002_4

為搬家而設的毛毯,用作覆蓋家品減低運送時的耗損,所以我們稱它為「走佬毯」。收拾細軟,將隨行物品統統放它之上,如果不是時尚博主,也不用每日更新「outfit of the day」的話,這毛毯面積足夠存放數天的路途必需品了。拉起四角像摺疊瑞士糖包裝紙的方式,然後把其中一個對角綁起、紮緊便完成,我想起了《阿信的故事》。

Moving blanket is the large thick blanket that the professional movers use to cushion your furniture and keep your things from getting damaged. If you are not a fashion blogger and you can give yourself a few days break from the “outfit of the day” posts, this blanket can carry a short road trip essentials. Fold it like the classic packaging of a Sugus and take a pair of opposite angles and tie them up tight. It reminds me of the Oshin (おしん), the infamous Japanese television drama.

Puebco Moving Blanket / Goldyard

5 Things #002_5


I put this army green storage bag under my bed, for storing secrets of mine, love letters from the past and weird portraits of myself from birth to present. The camo print on the inside, a symbol of war, represents a revolution of growth. The bag is supposed to be used in the house, however with such a sharp and brilliant design, I would probably bring it with me in case of an escape – a backlit scene that Leonardo diCarprio would play. I must have watched too many movies.

Puebco Laminated Fabric Storage Bag / Goldyard
