A Desktop City

52 Factory

6月1日,我回到香港,下一個周末就要飛到台灣去。匆匆忙忙,日子就在城市與城市間流過,生活在都市的人,大概都是如此。俄羅斯聖彼德堡的設計團隊52 Factory設計的Unbuilt Avant-garde City Eternal Calendar,似乎便呼應了這種都市生活。

Unbuilt Avant-garde City Eternal Calendar木製月曆系列,共有四款,每款都描劃著一個都市景觀——香港、紐約、莫斯科、聖彼德堡。標誌性建築物的輪廓給簡單的勾勒出來,一幢幢整齊地靠肩而站,每個都印上日期,改變次序,就能排列當月的月曆來。52 Factory還為每款月曆加上小巧的「交通工具」,香港的小輪、紐約的的士、Moskvich的汽車、聖彼德堡的火車等,交通工具「駛到」哪個星期上,就代表當天有些特別的約定。

52 Factory似乎對都會景觀情有獨鍾,在Unbuilt Avant-garde City Eternal Calendar之前,他們便曾經推出Russian Avant Garde Desktop Organizer文具系列,將俄羅斯的特色建築物,如 Melnikov House、Bakhmetevsky Bus Garage等等,化為筆刨、間尺、名片架等的桌上文具。

I returned to Hong Kong on the first of June to stay for a week before setting off for Taiwan the next weekend. Hopping around cities is perhaps a lifestyle experienced by many city-dwellers. The Unbuilt Avant-garde City Eternal Calendar designed by 52 Factory from St. Petersburg is seemingly a response to this metropolitan style of life.

 Unbuilt Avant-garde City Eternal Calendar consists of four sets of the wooden calendar that depicts cityscape of Hong Kong, New York, Moscow and St. Petersburg. Each of the neatly carved silhouettes of iconic city buildings has a set of numbers printed on them. By rotating or rearranging the order of these buildings, they can freely form a calendar for any month. The calendar also comes with a tiny vehicle that matches the city — a Hong Kong ferry, a New York taxi, a Moskvich automobile or a St. Petersburg train. ‘Driving’ the vehicle to a particular week can indicate a meeting arranged for the day.

Cityscape is apparently one of the favourite inspirations for 52 Factory. Before introducing the Unbuilt Avant-garde City Eternal Calendar, 52 Factory designed the Russian Avant Garde Desktop Organizer stationary series, which transforms signature architecture in Russia, for instance, Melnikov House, Bakhmetevsky Bus Garage, into stationaries like pencil sharpener, ruler and business card holder.
