
A string of beautiful days…

Unravel the calendar


儚く、美しく」是2015年度Kokuyo Design Award的優秀獎得主,並決定於今年2017年商品化,其設計者是來自日本的Mio Ueda,其以一針到底的手法,將日期編織在一平面之上,並以拆線替代筆畫的方式摃掉日子。誠然在全面數位化的時代下,實體日曆還能有什麼優勢呢?在還沒看到作品真身以前,評審可能也有著同樣疑惑。然而當面試來到最終回,評審們把實品拿到手上一看,無一不著迷於拆線讀日子的新穎感受。

根據創作者Mio Ueda的解說,「儚く、美しく」根源自日本人對「瞬間美」的美學認同;看著日子隨毛線鬆脫而剝落,彷彿回應著時間和年月的本質。而這就如日本俗諺「櫻花七日」的所指,櫻花生命短暫,瞬間綻開又猛然凋謝,是盡在頃刻之間的美意。

When it comes to our daily use of the calendar, is there any way gentler than crossing out the dates roughly with a pen?

A string of beautiful days…”, designed by Mio Ueda, a Japanese, won the Merit Award in the Kokuyo Design Award in 2015, and is scheduled to be merchandized in 2017. All the dates are sewn on a flat surface in one thread, and are pulled out along with the thread instead of being crossed out with a pen. But in fact, in this era with almost everything digitalized, what are the merits of using a calendar in concrete form? Before seeing the work before their eyes, the judges might have had the same doubt. However, in the final review, when the judges held the model in their hands, All of them, without exception, were absorbed in the fresh experience of unraveling the thread to show the date.

According to Mio Ueda, the designer, “A string of beautiful days…” originates from Japanese’s admiration of “transient beauty”. Witnessing dates peeling off as the thread is being unraveled is like an answer to the nature of time and days. As the Japanese idiom goes, cherry blossoms last only for seven days, being short-lived, blossoming in an instant and scattering suddenly away, with all beauty captured in fleeting moments.
