40-On the Road

Gravner Wine Glass



那時,店員跟我介紹說:「這是橙酒。」我以為他半開玩笑在賣甚麼關子。「它的英文名字是Orange Wine,不過卻是用葡萄造的。」不待他說完,我已急不及用味蕾領教這個聞所未聞的東西。


I can never forget the first time I tasted orange wine.

“This is orange wine,” the shopkeeper said. I thought he wasn’t being serious, but he continued, “Despite the name, it’s a type of white wine,” Before he could finish, I was already helping myself with an introduction.

It happened all too quickly. I was not prepared to enter a realm turned topsy-turvy by the intensity of such wine; it defied everything I thought I knew about wine – to the extent that I finally felt confident enough to appreciate it for what it really is, be it orange wine or natural wine and beyond, untethered by labels of origin, year and price. To do away with these labels was not my own predicament. Long ago, a group of revolutionary winemakers made it their mission to do just that.



「橙酒」這詞在2004年被命名後,開始登上葡萄酒的世界舞台,倒進不同酒評家的酒杯裡,或被震驚或對其厭惡,短短二十年竟啟發了各地的葡萄酒釀造者加入釀造橙酒之列,有人將這稱之為橙酒復興運動,卻原是意大利東北部弗留利-威尼斯朱利亞(Friuli-Venezia Giulia)一群釀酒師自90年代苦苦追求味道極致的成果,而其中最為人津津樂道的肯定是Gravner酒莊的故事。

In contrast with conventional white wine production, the making of orange wine involves leaving the grape skins and stems in contact with the juice, fermenting for days or even months. On the palate, it’s robust, bold and dry, with honeyed aromas of jackfruit, bruised apple, juniper, sourdough, and dried orange rind, and even tannin like a red wine with a sourness similar to fruit beer. Oxidation creates a deep, orange-hued finished product unusual for white wines, hence the misnomer.

Since the coining of “orange wine” in 2004, the term has piqued the imagination of a generous percentage of wine critics – and polarised the same. Like a hipster fashion that bewitches winemakers around the world, the “orange wine” movement traces back to Friuli-Venezia Giulia in Italy, as the culmination of a group of innovators’ pursuit of the winemaking at its finest. Amongst them, the story of the Gravner vineyard is perhaps the most fascinating.


Gravner的釀酒師Joško Gravner從1973年開始接手家族葡萄莊園,慢慢希望釀出與國際水平接軌的現代風格白酒,而他在當地釀酒師圈子裡一直扮演主導者的角色,率先引入不鏽鋼釀酒桶這種可作穩定生產的先進設備,也曾使用橡木酒桶來追隨優雅的法國波爾多風格,且廣受群眾歡迎。與其說這是迷失了,不如說這是每個革命者的必經之路,Joško開始思索到底甚麼是自己的獨有風格,後來他得到了強而有力的答案,自然風土本身便是最好的風格。

When Joško Gravner took over the estate from his father in 1973, he embarked on a journey to making a kind of modern white wine that was comparable to the international standard. He was one of the first producers to introduce a stable production line using stainless tanks. His brief stint trying to model after the elegant “Burgundy” with barriques proved hugely popular. Inevitably for every revolutionary, Joško began to wonder what his unique style should be and found the answer in natural cultivation.


90年代末,Joško Gravner毅然脫離釀酒師圈子,潛心試驗祖父輩的白葡萄浸皮發酵技術,並開始實行天然的耕種方法。既然要推翻過去的自己,一不做二不休,最先進最流行的一套讓他感到不可信,便非沿著河流源頭一路追尋到底不可,最終來到橫跨歐亞的神秘國度喬治亞。喬治亞有8000年以上的釀造葡萄酒歷史,現在被視為葡萄酒的發源地,而第一批喬治亞葡萄酒據考究是在稱為Qvevri的地下巨型陶甕(Amphora)中浸皮釀造的,奈何該國長年被蘇聯佔領及受戰火蹂躪,讓這古老的釀酒傳統差點被湮沒。1997年Joško收到第一個在喬治亞工作的朋友偷渡給他的230公升Qvevri,真正開始了這趟釀造橙酒之旅。

Towards the end of 1990’s, Joško Gravner left winemaking to experiment with his grandfather’s maceration technique as well as natural cultivation. Departing from popular methodology, the quest soon became a journey of self-discovery, leading Gravner to Georgia. With 8000 years of winemaking history, Georgia has been hailed as the origin of wine, the birthplace of skin-contact wine produced in large, underground amphorae known as “Qvevri”. These amphorae, and along with them the Georgian tradition, was almost lost to Soviet occupation and prolonged civil war. In 1997, Gravner received a 230-litre Qvevri smuggled by a friend working in Georgia, and began his adventure into the making of orange wine.



可能馬上會有人質疑這樣做豈不是讓手的溫度破壞酒的品質嗎?但它恰恰是想無視這個規矩,讓人體驗味道隨溫度自然變化帶來的樂趣。這種宛如把酒捧在手心飲用的方法,靈感乃來自Joško於2000年首次終於親身走訪喬治亞之旅,當時他希望尋找製造Qvevri的製造工匠而來到一個修道院,從僧侶的手中接過一個大陶杯,想當然耳是沒有杯桿的,才第一次發現如此簡單直接的飲用方法使人放下過多的想法,多了一份誠實和對葡萄酒的尊重。Joško回國後便委托了玻璃工藝家Massimo Lunardon替Gravner逐一吹製這款專屬的酒杯。

I was fortunate to try orange wine for the first time in all is glory – in a wine glass designed by Gravner himself to highlight the expression of Gravner’s amber wines. Unlike conventional wine glasses, the Gravner glass is wide and stemless, with three holes for finger grip. The stemless design makes it easy to hold the glass single-handedly, and the experience so intimate as though drinking straight from the palm.

One might wonder if such close contact ruins the wine’s temperature and quality, but that is precisely the beauty of the Gravner glass: the warmth of the hand helps to warm up the wine, which should not be drank too cold. The idea to create a stemless wine glass occurred to Joško Gravner in 2000 whilst travelling in Georgia. There, he happened upon a monastery in the hills of Tbilisi, where the monks welcomed him with a polyphonic praise of wine, which they then offered him in a simple clay cup. To capture the divine experience of savouring wine from a cup, Gravner worked with Massimo Lunardon to create the Gravner glass, which symbolises a more intimate and humble respect of the wine.



Just as orange wine has changed my perspective of what wine should be like, the Gravner glass has also opened my mind as to what the experience of drinking should be: simple and effortless. Orange wine is often compared to natural wine and organic wine. Despite their similarities – the exclusion of the use of artificial chemical fertilisers, yeasts and temperature controls – they remain distinctively their own wines. As biodynamic and organic labels become increasingly popular, Joško Gravner refuses to classify his wine as natural wine, or any labels for that matter. To Gravner, everything is but a simple and straightforward quest to make a wine that he himself would love. It’s almost like a reminder coming from a perfectionist: every journey has as its destination the inevitable discovery of the self.
