Hyperreal Art Installation

Leandro Erlich retrospective exhibition

大概沒有誰會不為阿根廷藝術家Leandro Erlich的作品而興奮,即使是對當代藝術沒有任何興趣的,來到金澤廿一世紀美術館,不免對他創作的 The Swimming Pool 嘖嘖稱奇,站在泳池邊看水中人,又鑽進池裡,成為藝術作品的一部分。

Leandro Erlich的作品最特別之處,是大都是供觀眾參與的,觀眾走到作品之中,跟作品互動,樂在其中。例如他在2004年發表了的 Building 系列,在地上模擬了大廈的外牆,再建了巨型的鏡子,造成大廈佇立起來的假象。人們在地上翻來滾去,從鏡子看來,彷彿就成為了蝙蝠俠,自由跳躍在高樓之上。Leandro Erlich透過簡單的戲法,將現實世界扭轉成超現實的世界。

Leandro Erlich近期發表的作品,則充滿了強烈的社會意識,例如2015年發表的 Pulled by the Roots,將一幢建築連根拔起,懸吊在半空上。暗斥社會的轉變過度貪婪與急速,以及其對環境造成的傷害。

東京的森美術館,將於今年年底,為Leandro Erlich舉行回顧展,為他24年的藝術生涯作個總結。

Leandro Erlich回顧展

Even a person without any lust for contemporary art would be impressed by the works of the Argentinian artist Leandro Erlich. In the 21st Century Museum of Contemporary Art, Kanazawa, visitors are tremendously fascinated by the artist’s The Swimming Pool. By standing by the poolside, or get to the bottom of the pool, every visitor can become a part of the artwork.

Leandro Erlich often invites his visitors to participate in his artworks; this is in fact a very distinctive style of the artist to allow visitors to become part of the art, and to enjoy interacting with the work. In Bâtiment, which was first created in 2004, Erlich constructed building facades horizontally on the ground. With a giant size mirror, the whole setup offers a vertical sensation that invites visitors to ‘climb’ on the wall like Batman, or even jump between skyscrapers. With simple optical illusion, Erlich twisted the realistic world into hyperreality.

In recent years, Leandro Erlich began to demonstrate a strong sense of social consciousness. Pulled by the Roots is a house installation that dangles in midair, with roots hanging from underneath. This work in 2015 was the artist’s criticism towards the social changes that are driven by greed and obsession with speed; it also emphasises the damage done to the natural environment.

Towards the end of the year, Mori Art Museum in Tokyo will bring to its visitors a retrospective exhibition of Leandro Erlich’s work throughout the past 24 years.

Leandro Erlich retrospective exhibition
Date: 18 November, 2017 to 1 April, 2018
Venue: Mori Art Museum
