Daily Practice

Johanna Tagada


生於法國的藝術家 Johanna Tagada,為自己定下數個練習的題目,每天進行。例如以相近的色調繪畫近似石頭的圖案、用相同顏色的顏料繪畫一種器皿、將搜集回來的野花做成拼貼畫⋯⋯限制迫使自己不得不揮灑創意,擠出不同的構想。她說:「每天持續的練習,就像發現了隱藏在日常生活的葉子之下的別種世界。」對她而言,這些練習,最重要的並非做出好的、滿意的作品,而是聆聽它,聽它奏出怎樣意想不到的樂章,這些樂章會讓世界看來不一樣。

這本《Daily Practice》,共收編了 Johanna Tagada的110個練習,分為拼貼、布藝、雕塑、塗鴉等八個主題,當中有靜物畫,也有人物的手部肖像,也有純粹的圖案組合。這些練習透露了Johanna Tagada的作品概念如何形成與實踐,同時展示了尋常生活,是何等的充滿樂趣。


Repeat the same daily practice every day: brew your morning tea unhurriedly, write a letter to yourself, and look for a kind of wildflower that suits you best. As the days go by, you would figure out a unique way of brewing your tea, and develop your view on it. You will discover a new kind of the beauty of the world simply by getting to know yourself better.

French-born artist Johanna Tagada has set forth for herself a couple themes for her own daily artistic exercises. For example, to draw pictures of stones by colors of similar shades, or to draw a utensil with the same color, or making collages from hand-picked wildflowers. All of these tasks require her to maximize her creativity to come up with new ideas. She said, “The daily practice opens the door to the hidden world under my very ordinary life.” To her, the purpose of these practices is not the refinement of quality. Rather, it is the artistic progress from which Tagada has to listen to what kind of melody is played out.

Daily Practice compiles 111 individual artworks gathered from around eight themes, such as collage, textile work, sculpture, and graffiti. The works encompass a broad range of styles, from still-life, to hand portrait, to simple shapes combination. These practices show the Tagada’s creative process of how concepts take shape and get executed, telling readers how her ordinary life is actually full of inspirations.

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