Truck, Toothbrush and Machine

The World of Philippe Weisbecker


你的牙刷長甚麼模樣呢?梳粧桌上的鏡子是橢圓還是圓形?梳化腳是筆直的還是微彎的?布料的編織方式,是縱橫交錯的嗎,還是夾雜著傾斜的綫?今外窗外路過怎樣的工程車子?每天上班經過的路上,有哪幢建築物特別吸引你的目光?看Philippe Weisbecker的作品集《Philippe Weisbecker Works in Progress》,最感驚歎的,不單是他單純而機械化的獨特筆鋒,或是有趣的透視,還有他對日常事物的好奇、對發掘事物有趣一面的熱情。

在書中其中一章〈Daily Life〉的引言中,他說:「跟藝術品相比,日常用品在我們的生活環境裡非常謹言慎行,因此我們得格外花力氣,才能發現它們的存在。」雖然觀察需要花很大的力氣,然而Philippe Weisbecker卻是對之樂此不疲。像在〈Transportation〉的一章,編修了其中100幀貨車的畫,便是他每天特意跑到街上,看路過的貨車,挑選一台自己感興趣的,匆匆畫下塗鴉,回家再依著塗鴉、憑著記意畫成的。

《Philippe Weisbecker Works in Progress》共收錄了Philippe Weisbecker自1997年起創作的逾700幅作品,分類成12章,每章都設有由Philippe Weisbecker撰寫的引言。書的後半部還刊載了Philippe Weisbecker的工作室、藏品等的照片,以及專訪等。透過此書,你會對Philippe Weisbecker的世界有著深入的了解。

How does your toothbrush look like? Is the mirror on your dressing table round shaped or oval shaped? Does your couch have straight legs or slightly bent ones? The fabrics you are wearing are in plain weave or twill weave? What kind of construction vehicle did you see through your window today? Which building caught your attention today when you were on the way to work like usual? Reading Philippe Weisbecker Works in Progress, the collected works of Philippe Weisbecker, one would inevitably be impressed by his simple and almost mechanic way of drawing; his unique vanishing point perspective is for sure equally remarkable. However, what truly amazed me was his curiosity and passion for exploring the fascinating aspects of ordinary things.

In the chapter called “Daily Life”, Weisbecker writes in the prologue to address everyday objects, “Contrary to works of art, they make themselves so discreet in our environment that one has to make a special effort to acknowledge their presence.” Regardless of the effort needed to acknowledge their presence, Weisbecker still finds it an enjoyable process. The chapter “Transportation” showcases 100 drawings of trucks. To create these drawings, Weisbecker tried to observe passing trucks on the road and make a sketch of the one that interested him the most. When he got home, he would redraw based on the sketch and his memory.

Philippe Weisbecker Works in Progress is split into 12 chapters that each begins with a prologue written by Weisbecker. The book is a collection of over 700 drawings and illustrations Weisbecker made since 1997. In the second half of the book, readers would get to see photos of his workshop and collections along with his interviews. The book is a perfect window to glimpse into the world of Philippe Weisbecker.
