Keep it simple

Tiny Formed


The simplest things often demand the most sophisticated skills. From a bowl of rice to silky steamed eggs, tangible results barely scratch the surface of creation’s relentless trials and errors.

來自日本的Tiny Formed職人品牌,商品分為黃銅器物和包袋兩大類,當中黃銅器物較多種類,包含鑰匙圈、開瓶器、鞋拔和書籤等,也是品牌最受注目的地方,而雖然包袋沒有前者般受歡迎,卻又可以從其樣式中看出,與銅器商品相同的設計思維,同樣貫徹著品牌「keep it simple」的宗旨。

Hailing from Japan, Tiny Formed specialises in handcrafted canvas bags and metal objects. The latter are a popular collection including keychains, bottle opener, bookmarks, and shoehorns. The canvas series, albeit less in-demand, also manifests the brand’s philosophy to “keep it simple”.

以黃銅器品為例,這個看起來非常纖細的「Key Flick」,表面看只是兩塊金屬小板結合在一起,卻可以同時把3到4把鑰匙,整整齊齊地收納起來,不怕繫在腰間時會啷啷噹噹地作響。近似的設計也可以看這個「Key Fold」,平時把鑰匙收在黃銅殼內,使用時只要輕輕用力推,就能把把鑰匙使用,同樣是從表現不易看出的設計巧思。

Despite its simple and compact design, the brass Key Flick can organise three to four keys into a bundle – a clever solution to keys jingling on one’s hip. Similarly, the Key Fold can house up to five keys in its discreet brass shell.


The brass Bookmark and Shoehorn may not seem as impressive in functionality, but they are equally crafted to the highest standard.

輪到包袋的商品系列,像開頭講的種類遠不及黃銅器物系列,但始終不偏離「keep it simple」的宗旨。包袋以防水帆布製作,只有兩個系列,各自又有大中小三種尺寸。在小包系列中,分芥末黃和軍綠色帆布兩種,當中有一次能收納10支筆的筆袋,能把一天要用的文具收好收滿,而比筆袋大一號的小包,則取消拉鏈設計,改以上蓋和啪鈕開合,再加上風琴式的結構,是一個收納能力令人喜出望外的商品。

Far from a staple of the brand, the canvas series still lives up to Tiny Formed’s tenet: keep it simple. The waterproof collection comprises two styles – tote and pouch, each in three sizes (small, medium and large) and two colours (orange and olive). The zippered Pen Case can store up to ten pens, whilst the buttoned Pouch offers more storage with its expandable design.


At the heart of the Tote’s design, which at first glance seems identical across all three sizes, is thoughtfulness: a lightweight weekend bag, the Small Tote consists of a single handle; the crossbody Medium Tote adds a strap for hands-free wear; the versatile Large Tote offers extended handles and carry-all convenience. Channeling an attention to detail, the design of Tiny Formed manifests an approach to simplicity through human-centric sophistication.
