Freedom to live

Bullet Journal

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差不多從十年前就知道「子彈筆記」的存在,但實際去應用這套記事方法,倒是近半年來的事情。發明者紐約數位產品設計師Ryder Carroll,自小就被診斷出學習障礙,注意力容易煥散,而為了提高個人的專注力和生產力,他開發出一套名為「子彈筆記」的實體記事方法,只需要一支筆,一本空白的本子,而最好是附格紋和頁數的,就能開始投入「子彈筆記」的懷抱。

I first came across the concept of Bullet Journaling almost a decade ago, but it is until recently that I adopted this journaling method in corralling my thoughts. Ryder Carroll, a New York-based digital product designer who invented the Bullet Journal, was given a diagnosis of attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) early in his life. As a strategy to cope with his ADHD, he developed the Bullet Journal Method to help him stay focused and be productive. To be a Bullet Journalist, all you need is a pen and a blank notebook, preferably a dotted or grid one with page numbers.

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誠然由一位數位產品設計師,開發出的一套實體記事方法,有點令人摸不著頭腦,為甚麼不乾脆開發一個程式就好了呢?Ryder Carroll當然有自己的答案,他認為「數位」和「類比」從來不是對立關係,兩者是完全可以共生的工具,最後得看哪種方法對你最管用。他用個人經驗指出,使用電子產品容易令他分心,這下子明明只想用app記事,下一刻卻已經在網店選購鞋子,反而用實體筆記本能免受這種干擾。加上現代人總是被工作壓得喘不過氣,寫筆記時眼晴可以暫時離開電腦,就像工作途中去散個步,有助於清空頭腦的雜念,帶來更高的生產力。

You might wonder why a digital product designer would develop a physical journaling method instead of writing a computer programme or even an app to do the job. According to Carroll, digital journaling and analog journaling are mutually inclusive. At the end of the day, which option to go for depends on which method works best for you. Personally, Carroll considers electronic products a major source of distraction. Let’s say, he would pick up his phone hoping to drop some notes, but somehow ended up browsing for shoes in the online store. If he writes on a physical notebook, the shopping spree would never take place. Carroll also points out that people are generally overwhelmed by work and being away from the computer to write down your thoughts and ideas is like taking a break from work to go for a walk — it helps to clear your mind and improve productivity.

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其實除了Ryder Carroll的官方答案,我自己也有使用「子彈筆記」的理由。無論是數位抑或一般實體手帳,通常已經有一種固定格式,但「子彈筆記」活用自定的目錄,以及各種的「子彈」,即各種符號以定義和分類資訊,基本上沒有固定格式可言,可以隨使用者的喜好和習慣調整使用。

While Ryder Carroll identifies some benefits of journaling, I also have my own reason in adopting the Bullet Journaling Method, and it is the flexibility that it offers. Generally speaking, whether it is a digital or a physical journal, it always comes with a designated format. But a Bullet Journal is different. You can customize the Index and define the various Bullets, i.e. the symbols that help you categorize your entries, according to your needs and preferences.

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首先打開空白的筆記本,如果沒有頁碼就先自行填上頁碼,接著就可以開始設計「目錄頁」。簡單來說,就是記下除「目錄頁」外其他項目的主題,並且列出相應的頁碼,例如是第15頁至第30頁都是記七月份的事情,那「目錄頁」就能這樣寫:「7月份記事:P.15-P.30」。而就算你打斷了7月份的連續記事,在第19頁即興畫了一幅畫,就能這樣寫「7月份記事:P.15-P.18, P.20-30」,另寫「即席畫畫:P.19」,不致於混亂無章。

To start a Bullet Journal, you will need a blank notebook. If the notebook doesn’t come with page numbers, simply number it yourself. Next, you can start designing the Index. The Index serves to locate content in your Bullet Journal. Simply add the Topics and their corresponding page numbers to the Index. For example, if pages 15 to 30 are a collection of notes from July, you can index it as: “Notes of July: P.15-P.30.” If there’s a drawing in between those pages, you can write on the Index page: “Notes of July: P.15-P.18, P.20-30” and “Painting: P.19.”

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The Future Log is a collection of entries that will occur outside the current month, say, in half a year’s or even a year’s time. It is similar to the monthly log in a standard journal where you can put down events and details; but in Future Log, the entries are not date-specific. For example, if you are going to the beach with your friends in two months’ time  (let’s say in September), you can put down “Going to the beach” in your Future Log. When you start your Monthly Log for September, you can then migrate the entry of “Going to the beach” from Future Log to the new Monthly Log.

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What comes next is the Monthly Log. My recommendation is that you should start the Monthly Log as the month begins because it’s the best time for you to take a mental inventory check to sort out and prioritize Events and Tasks for the month. Also, you can review your Future Log and see if any Tasks or Events listed there have become current. If so, migrate those entries into your new Monthly Log. Doing a monthly migration can avoid duplication and missing out of entries. (Now that we’ve came across the term “migrate” quite a few times already, I am sure you can tell “migration” is something important in Bullet Journaling.)

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・ 任務(Task)
X 任務完成
° 約定(Events)
- 筆記(Notes)
> 轉移到隔天
< 轉移到「月記事」(同月的)
《 轉移到「未來記事」



° 今天去Live house看表演,1900
X 完成今天就要截稿的稿件
> 到文具店買墨水
< 計劃7月下半旬
– 工作事項安排
– 運動計劃的安排
– 寫作計劃的安排

・ 看有沒有空順便看一下未讀完的小說

解讀一下這篇虛構的7月12日的「日記事」。我當天要在下午7點到Live house看表演,以圓點「 °」標示是一個約定事項。我完成了當天要截稿的稿件,所以在原本的「・」上打叉「 X 」以表示完成。但因為事忙沒法抽空買墨水,於是我以「>」轉移到隔天。至於「計劃7月下半旬」因為任務太龐大,看我下面用「 – 」表示的附加說明,就知道有夠難搞,所以用「<」表示轉移回「月記事」,即放在同月份的未來日子,晚點再解決。至於最後一個讀小說的事項,不僅因為忙而無法完成,思前想後覺得沒那麼重要,所以用橫線橫去表示取消事項。每個事項無論是「完成」,「推遲」抑或「取消」,都能有條不紊地記下來,有強迫症的讀者這時應該看得很開心才對。


The Daily Log is designed for day-to-day use. Before you set up your Daily Log, I’d suggest you to take a look at your Monthly Log first to see if there are any Tasks or Events you can migrate to the Daily Log. I think it’s time for us to talk about the Bullets, which are the symbols that visually categorize your entries. Here below are some standard Bullets that are commonly used by Bullet Journalists. But you are welcome to redefine them or even come up with your own based on your preference and needs.

・ Task
X Completed task
° Event
- Notes
> Migrate to the following day
< Migrate to the Monthly Log
《 Migrate to the Future Log

Here is an example of a Daily Log:


° Show @ live house 1900
X Manuscript deadline
> Get ink from stationery shop
< Plan for second half of July
– Work
– Exercises
– Writing
・ Finish the novel

Let me explain how to read this Daily Log. Firstly, there is an Event (°) that says I am going to the live house to watch a show at 19:00. Then, there is a Task (・)  of which I need to complete a manuscript by the end of the day. As I’ve finished the manuscript, I put a cross (X) over it to indicate the Task is completed. Next, I scheduled to get ink from the stationary shop. But unfortunately, I couldn’t find time and decided to migrate the Task to the following day (>). As for the “Plan for second half of July”, since it is a major task and requires some more time to work on, I therefore put down some additional explanation Notes (-) and migrated the entry back to the Monthly Log (<). As for “Finish the novel”, I decided that this task is not that important after all and thus I crossed it out with strikethrough. From this example, you can see whether a TASK is “completed”, “migrated” or “cancelled” in an orderly manner.

With a grasp on the basic format of Bullet Journal, you can now customize your own journal based on your needs and preference. For example, you can create a journal to track your finance, diet, and even weight loss. The most important of all, is to keep the Index of your journal nice and clear so that you can always quickly locate the entries later.

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最近官方推出第2代的官方子彈筆記本,雖然說不一定要用他們的商品,但因為是跟德國Leuchtturm1917的聯乘,是非常優質的筆記本商品,同時也想趁著這個商品推出之際,分享一下這套厲害的記事方法。如果你已經讀到這裡了,相信本身就有各種記事的興趣或煩惱,雖然「子彈筆記」不一定能令你飛黃騰達,但就像他們的口號一樣「Track the past. Order the present. Design the future.」,最起碼能做到以上三點。而隨著年紀越來越大,越發覺得成年人所謂的自由,以及到底能過得多自由,重點在於你能把生活掌握到哪種程度。再次感謝你們讀到這裡,希望有幫上你們的忙。

The official Bullet Journal Notebook Edition 2 has recently been unveiled to the world. This current edition is a high-quality product that is beautifully made in partnership with Leuchtturm1917. I am very much delighted to share this update with you, while at the same time give you some tips on Bullet Journaling. I guess at this point I can safely assume that my dear reader, you are either interested in note-taking or having trouble looking for the right note-taking tool. Although Bullet Journaling may not be the best tool out there, at the very least, it can help you “Track the past. Order the present. Design the future” (so as they claim). As I get older, I come to realize that the so-called “freedom to live” or how freely you can live your life is relative to how well you can manage and organize your life. Thank you for reading this, and I hope my writing can help you organize your life in some ways.
