Burberry February 2017 collection preview

In collaboration with the Henry Moore Foundation.

近日Burberry釋出了全新形象廣告,請來英國攝影師Josh Olins,在藝術家Henry Moore的故居拍攝,片末還煞有介事地擺出Moore的著名雕塑作品;這不為什麼,正是 Burberry 為品牌2月系列時裝秀埋下的玄機,一場關於雕塑藝術與時裝的相遇。

Henry Moore是著名的英國現代藝術家,其抽象的大型鑄銅、大型大理石雕塑,是後世藝術工作者、創意工作者津津樂道的話題,而就連Burberry行政總裁Christopher Bailey也曾評論道:「自我有記憶以來,一直著迷於英國雕塑家Henry Moore的作品,他的作品對我有強大且顯著的影響力……」可見Henry Moore對當下藝術界的影響依然深遠。近日Burberry釋出了全新形象廣告,請來英國攝影師Josh Olins,在藝術家Henry Moore的故居拍攝,片末還煞有介事地擺出Moore的著名雕塑作品;這不為什麼,正是 Burberry 為品牌2月系列時裝秀埋下的玄機,一場關於雕塑藝術與時裝的相遇。

這次Burberry的2月系列向Henry Moore的作品致敬,在衣服線條上吸取了藝術家的創作神髓,展現出雕塑般的線條、不對稱的設計。此外,時裝秀將以「即看即賣」的形式進行,是自去年9月後品牌第二場「即看即賣」。至於選址方面則與去年相同,在SOHO區的Maker’s House裡舉行活動。而適逢今年是Henry Moore基金會的40周年,Burberry不僅用時裝呈現對Henry Moore的敬意,更與其基金會聯袂合作,帶來逾40件藝術家的雕塑品、銅像、工作模型,繪圖及草圖等,從2月21日至27日開放給公眾參觀;既回顧了藝術家的生平與作品,也展現出品牌這次2月系列的靈感所在。


Burberry recently revealed a preview of its latest campaign, which was shot by homegrown photographer Josh Olins. Not only was the shooting taken place at Henry Moore Studios and Gardens, towards the end of the video there is even a wide shot of Moore’s famous sculpture. That is the prelude of Burberry’s runway in February, the stage where sculpture meets fashion.

As a renowned contemporary English artist, Moore’s giant pieces of abstract copper or marble sculptures are works that fascinate his fellow artists and other people from the creative industry, with Christopher Bailey, CEO of Burberry being one of them. He once mentioned “I have been fascinated by the great British sculptor Henry Moore for as long as I can remember – his work has always had a powerful influence on me…” It is obvious how profound Henry Moore’s influence is to the contemporary art scene.

Burberry’s February collection is a tribute to Henry Moore. The artist’s vibe is translated into the sculptural silhouettes and asymmetric designs. Clothes are available to pre-order on site, the second time after the brand did it last September. Same as last year, the runway will be performed in Maker’s House, SOHO. This year is the 40th anniversary of The Henry Moore Foundation. Apart from using the latest collection as a tribute, Burberry is also co-hosting an exhibition with the Foundation. Together, they will showcase over 40 pieces of Moore’s sculptures, monumental bronzes, working models, drawings and maquettes. The exhibition, which will be open to public from 21st to 27th February, is a retrospective of the artist’s work, and a presentation of the inspiration to the brand’s latest collection.

The second pre-order on site runway of Burberry is to be revealed on 20 February 2017 at 19:30 London time. Stay tuned to OBSCURA for live streaming of the show.
