The 500 colors

Felissimo 500 colored pencils


郵購商店Felissimo於去年25年前便推出了一套500色的木彩色筆。Felissimo本身主要製作家品及衣服,25年前,品牌希望能夠創造出讓任何人都感到幸福快樂的產品,負責產品發現的人員想起自己小時候擁有一盒 6 色的木顏色筆,用完後,母親送他 12 色的,色彩增加了,彷彿世界也更多彩多姿。當時的喜悅難以言傳,莫名的感動與幸福感,至今仍然難忘,於是忽發奇想,不如來造500色的吧。



筆芯的柔軟度、筆杆執在手裡時是否舒適、是否易於收藏,都是他們設計時的考慮因素。另外還有一個因素,教他們費煞思量的,就是給色彩取名字。這套500色的木顏色筆,每一種顏色都有其獨特的名字,例如粉色色系的,有Princess Diary、Cosmopolitan Crush以及Pretty Piggy,每個名字象徵著一種意境,勾引出我們對生活豐富的想像。

The pastel color of spring, the bright red of summer, the cold pale blue of winter, the color of morning time, the color of a blessing… What is the color of your life? Is it a harmonic color, or is it a vibrant one?

Last year, the online shop Felissimo relaunched its 500 colored pencils which were first introduced 25 years ago. Felissimo has been focussed on homeware and fashion. 25 years ago, a product designer was told to create a product of happiness. Inspired by his childhood memory, where he received a box of 12 colored pencils from his mother after finished using his box of 6 colored pencils, he created this collection of 500 colored pencils, so as to recreate the sense of delight he had when receiving the extra colors as a present. The 500 colors were his attempt to share with others the inexpressible and unforgettable joy he had from the 12 colored pencils.

The 500 colored pencils are divided into 25 20-color-sets. After subscribing, a palette arrives every month, each with a unique theme. The complete collection will be sent over a period of 25 months. Felissimo insisted on manufacturing the color pencils only in Japan. Although there were over 140 color pencil manufacturers in Japan, only 44 remain as people become less dependent on stationary along with the popular use of computer. 20 of these factories located in Katsushika and Arakawa in Tokyo. The lead of Felissimo’s colored pencils is manufactured in a factory in Yamanashi, which is possibly the only colored-lead factory in Japan.

The leads that are used in colored pencils have a comparatively complex manufacturing process when compared to water color or poster color. To create a set of 500 subtly different colors, the manufacturer has to carefully calculate the composition of wax and colored powder when producing the lead. The persistence of Felissimo finally succeeded in convincing the only colored-lead factory in Japan to participate in this challenging production of its 500 colored pencils.

Not only did the brand spent effort in considering the best softness of the lead, the comfort level of the grip, as well as the convenience in storing the pencils, they also worked hard on naming every single color. Every of the 500 colors has its own name, for instance the shades of pink are named Princess Diary, Cosmopolitan Crush, and Pretty Piggy. These names are symbols of certain conceptions that inspire creative imaginations to our daily lives.
