The future of lodging

The Millennials Hotel

日本膠囊酒店The Millennials Hotel的概念是「看得見未來住宿體驗」。怎樣的住宿體驗才稱得上能彰顯未來呢?「猶如居住的留宿、猶如玩樂的工作、邊工作邊旅行」是The Millenials Hotel給如我們的答案。

一般膠囊酒店予人的印象,就是一個提供人洗澡睡覺的空間,酒店內是不宜久留的,在外面玩夠了,工作至深夜了,才回去洗個澡睡個覺,醒來後就匆匆離開。而於渋谷及京都都設計分店的The Millenials Hotel,則設有偌大的共用空間,包括了設備完善的廚房、工作空間、會議室、如同客廳般的聚腳空間等等。入住這間酒店後,日間你能帶著電腦來到工作空間應付工作,晚上能相約朋友到來下廚用餐,喝酒小聚,夜上則回到「膠囊」之中安睡。

近年來日本興起了Share Apartment的熱潮,The Millennials Hotel的概念似乎也相近。捨棄一點私人空間,就能以相等的價錢,換來更寬敞、設備更完美的生活空間。這會否也是你未來追求的生活方式?

“The future of lodging” is the key concept of The Millennials Hotel, the capsule hotel in Japan. What kind of experience should be expected in the future of lodging? The hotel explains, it is “A place to work, play, cook, socialize, or relax, this hotel is not merely an accommodation; it’s a lifestyle.”

People usually find capsule hotel a space merely for taking a shower and quickly recharge oneself after partying late or working overtime until midnight. It is oftentimes considered not ideal for a long stay; the guests come late at night and leave once awake. The Millennials Hotel has two branches, one in Shibuya, Tokyo, and another one in Kyoto. Unlike most of the capsule hotels, the Millennials Hotel provides their guests with a huge common area with a fully equipped kitchen, workspace, meeting rooms, as well as a mingling space that resembles a living room. It is completely feasible to bring the laptop to work in the workspace during the day, to invite friends over for dinner party in the kitchen over some wine, and return to the “capsule” for a decent sleep.

Flatshare is a recent trend in Japan. This concept seems to be in sync with The Millennials Hotel’s ideology of forsaking some private space in exchange for a more spacious, a better-equipped area at the same cost. Would it be a way of life that you crave for in the future?
