
Miner’s Lunch Box

Sit on your lunch box.

時間回到1956年的加拿大,Leo May是一個平凡的礦工,有天他如常回曠場等候升降機時,不知道是晚上沒睡好,抑或是其他什麼原因,他想要稍歇一下,便隨性地坐到他的午餐盒上;然而位子還沒坐熱,盒子就倏地發出啪嗒一聲怪響,Leo May這才發現他把整個盒子坐扁了。

拿著扁掉的盒子回家,Leo May痛定思過,立心要製作一個能承受成年男子重量的午餐盒。經過不知道多少個晚上的努力,他把試作品完成後決定公諸同好,竟意外地收到了四十多筆訂單, Miner’s Lunch Box這品牌也於焉而生。

經營逾六十年,Miner’s Lunch Box從創立至今,仍堅持以手工方式打造高品質午餐盒。點進品牌 網站上的型錄,其商品從外觀的大膽用色,以至多邊型的簡約線條輪廓,都散發出濃厚的復古氣 息。不過要講到Miner’s Lunch Box的看家本領,自然是鋁金屬、品牌造工技術所帶來的堅固特性,即使一個屁股坐上去也不怕盒子壞掉,是保用一輩子的優異品質;而就算你是個標準的外食族 ,其盒子本身的間隔設計可塑性十足,不放午餐仍是可以大派用場。

Back in 1956, in Canada, Leo May was an everyday mine worker. One day, when he went to the mining site as usual to wait for the lift, perhaps it was because he did not sleep well last, or some other reason, he suddenly wanted to rest a bit, and without giving it much thought, sat on his lunch box. However, even before his seat got warmed up, he heard a weird sound from his lunch box. Only then did he realize that his lunch box had collapsed under his weight.

Carrying home the broken lunch box, Leo May repented on his mistake, and resolved to make a lunch box that can support the weight of an adult man. Thanks to numerous nights of effort and perseverance, after finishing his model and announced to his friends, out of his surprise, he has received an order of more than forty people. That was how Miner’s Lunch Box came into being.

For more than 60 years in business since its establishment. Miner’s Lunch Box still insisted on handcrafting its high-quality lunch box. Clicking onto the brand’s catalogue on its homepage, it permeates an heavy air of vintage quality, from the bold coloring in its products, to the simplistic multi-sided outline. However, when it comes to Miner’s Lunch Box best quality, naturally is the durability thanks to the use of aluminium and production skills. It will not break even a person sits on it – a testimony to an exceptional quality that can last for a life’s time.
