“Print lot more”

    「你現在已不再聽錄音帶了吧 也無法再看VHS錄影帶 大概也忘記甚麼是軟盤了吧 你今天拍了的照片 日子的碎片 之後打算怎處理 銀色的圓盤 或是 一根小棒 或是 在哪兒的雲裡保存著」這是泊昭雄(L.A.Tomari)的展覽「Print lot more」中的序言。在科技如此發達的今天,我們記錄的太多,而翻看的太少,終有一天,這些化為數據的回憶,都會隨日新月異的生活而被淘汰、被遺忘,因此,必須將它們印刷出來,使之成為實實在在的形體,才更易於保存。這就是「Print lot more」的本意。


    在泊昭雄拍攝的靜物照片裡,彷彿也殘留著他專注目光的溫度,畫面安靜而富張力。「Print lot more」裡展出的一系列系靜物照,全是一些可能快將被時代之河沖走的物件,照片記錄著物件的存在,同時記錄了泊昭雄對它們的留戀。

    「Print lot more」現正在東京Gallery Sugata舉行。

    “You have stopped listening to cassettes, you don’t have the player to watch VHS, and you probably have forgotten what floppy disk is. Photos that you have taken, how are you preserving these fragments of life? In a silver disk, in a tiny stick, or do you put them somewhere in the cloud?” This is the prologue of L.A.Tomari’s exhibition “Print Lot More”. Technology is advanced and the amount of documentation is getting enormous. Chances for anyone to revisit memory are however getting limited. Someday these digitalized memories will be forgotten by this rapidly changing world. In order to survive from being eliminated, these fragments have to be printed out; they need to be given a physical body. This is the rationale behind L.A.Tomari’s “Print Lot More”.

    Major works of the 61-year-old L.A.Tomari are commercial photography including advertisements for Suntory, Kirin and other brands. L.A.Tomari was a stylist before becoming a photographer. Unlike most of the stylists who constantly adjust arrangement of the props, magazine editors remember L.A.Tomari as a stylist who would fix his gaze on the object of photography until he had a precise decision on the layout. This was always followed by a set of swift action, prompt and accurate.

    L.A.Tomari has never withdrawn from his gaze of concentration; it continues to create a sense of tranquillity and strength in his still life photography. Through the form of still live photography, “Print Lot More” captures objects that can easily be wiped out by time. Such documentation is a proof of the objects’ existence, and is a testimony of L.A.Tomari’s sentimentality.

    “Print Lot More” is currently exhibiting at Gallery Sugata, Tokyo.
