Wellness. Individuality. Simplicity.



由提供無包裝的食物、環保的生活用品和護膚品外,最近Slowood也引入了環境友善、無害的化妝品。Sundays是來自紐約的美甲品牌,創辦人Amy Ling Lin在美容學院學習時,發現一般的甲油有著難聞的氣味,無論是美容師或是顧客都長時間地呼吸著有毒的空氣。於是,她設計了一款無毒、純素和不做動物實驗的甲油,讓人們不為愛美而犧牲健康。簡約的瓶身和溫潤又低調的色澤,為身體減少了負荷,也美得自然健康。Amy說,簡單如替自己塗甲油也是一種冥想的方式,在繁忙和壓力的生活下的一刻專注與喘息。




When applying skincare products on your face or putting food into your mouth, would you spend a moment wondering where are their origins? Slowood is a shop in Sai Wan that specializes in sustainable products. One of their founders, Dora says, “When sourcing products, we tend to avoid big brands as they sometimes only spend efforts on sustainability just for the sake of getting a certificate. However, many indie brands actually spend considerable effort in promoting a sustainable lifestyle through their products. It takes them a long time to design their products.” Dora believes what supports Slowood and these indie brands is the mindset of being thankful for nature. We have to slow down our pace to protect mother earth and live a sustainable life. This is the concept behind their products. The brand hopes to show people the beauty of slow life and advocate a change starting from the small details of our everyday life.

The shop began with selling package-free food, environmental-friendly daily necessities, and skincare products. Recently added to the shop’s shelf are some eco-friendly cosmetics. Sundays is a New York-based nail care brand founded by Amy Ling Lin. When studying in a cosmetology school, Amy was quite irritated by the odor of nail polish. This is the smell that both the nail artists and the customers need to endure. This has inspired her to design vegan nail polish that is toxin-free and cruelty-free, so that people no longer need to sacrifice health for beauty. Her nail polish comes in subtle colors contained in bottles of minimal design for her consumers to beautify their nails without having to risk their health. Amy says simple actions like painting your own nails could be a form of meditation, which provides you with a peaceful moment to concentrate and relax after a hectic and stressful day.

“I try not to give myself too much pressure even on the most overwhelming days. To me, panicking doesn’t help to bring efficiency. The most important thing is to work at a relaxed pace, and to maintain a work-life balance,” says Dora. If you do not get off from work on time, how can you spend time on your hobbies and enjoy quality time with your family? “This is the same as the lifestyle Sundays promotes — we need to find a balance between beauty and eco-friendly.” She hopes Sundays’s products can teach consumers to understand the origin and ingredients of the products they consume, and hence make well-informed decisions after considering the potential impact we can bring to the environment.

Dora enjoys gardening. Every year, she and her husband would spend half of the year in their house in New Zealand, where they grow vegetables and fruits in the backyard and live a humble life. “I enjoy every single step of gardening, like removing weed, watering, and watching a seed sprouting. It is my habit to look at my plants every morning. Although the changes are not always obvious, my plants are indeed growing bit by bit slowly. Seeing my plants growing a new leaf or a new flower simply brings me pure joy. Some people might find this irrelevant, but to me, this is the most down-to-earth thing that lets us get to understand where our food comes from.” A sustainable lifestyle is to attend to minute details, and explore our own means to coexist peacefully with nature.

“We never need to sacrifice for beauty. We can all be beautiful in our own way” is the message that Sundays aspires to deliver.
