Kakishibu Cloth Coffee Filter



高知位於日本四國地區,陽光充沛面朝海,久長的日照時間,令當地民眾養成一種外向樂天的海派性格。而位於高知最南端土佐清水市的YURUKURU’S GALLERY,就是一家以製作柿染、藍染而著稱的染色工房;利用當地得天獨厚的猛烈日光,製作風貌質樸的染色工藝品。工作室的染布商品五花百門,從布包,圍裙和連身裙,到床單被單都一應俱全,基本上衣食住行等多個層面,工作室就以,盡可能將染布工藝深入生活各個角落。


Kakishibu is a traditional Japanese dyeing method that uses fermented persimmon juice as the dyeing medium. This unique craftsmanship is also referred to as “sun dyeing” because sunlight plays a vital role in the process; in order to form a profound amber color within the fabric, drying under strong and direct sunlight is a must.

Kochi prefecture is located on the island of Shikoku in Japan. Facing the Pacific Ocean, the area receives plenty of sunshine and has relatively long days. It is likely that the weather has an impact on the locals’ outgoing and optimistic nature. Located in Tosashimizu City, the southernmost part of Kochi, Yurukuru’s Gallery is a workshop known for its Kakishibu and also indigo dyeing products. The craftsmen take advantage of the strong and beautiful sunlight that shines upon the city to produce a wide range of dyed goods that cover all of your daily needs; from cloth bags, aprons, dresses, to bed sheets and covers, their goal is to bring the craftsmanship of cloth dyeing into every aspect of your life.

Their most recent product, the Kakishibu cloth coffee filter, captures the heart of coffee lovers. Those who have brewed coffee with cloth filters know that they require careful and delicate cleaning and maintenance. The slightest negligence will make the cloth filter dirty and stinky, resulting in it going into the trash. However, when it comes to the Kakishibu cloth filters, they are relatively easier to handle; they are easy to clean, stain and odor resistant, and what’s more, even when the amber color of the cloth filter gradually fades, what remains is the long-lasting beauty of craftsmanship.
