Art gallery hotel with time limited exhibitions

Nibunno in Tokyo

位於東京麻布十番的一幢大廈,原為汽車零件倉庫,為迎接2020年東京奧運,東京城區變遷,不少高樓都解體重建築,這幢大廈亦在解體計劃之中。不過就在它快變成頹垣敗瓦之前,台灣的設計事務所BXG 及日本建築師虎尾亮太突然出手相救,將它變成一所匯集了台日藝術文化的酒店Nibunno。

以「居於藝廊」為主題的Nibunno,樓高六層,每間套房都兼作展覽空間。藝術 + 酒店為主題的酒店不算新奇,在京都由名和晃平主理的Anteroom便是其中一個成功例子。Nibunno的特別之處在於,負責人真的當酒店套房為藝術來策劃,每三個月便更動一次展覽。二樓房間專門展出日本藝術家的,三樓房間則是台灣藝術家的展場,像在開幕時,便舉行了陳青琳的畫展。另外,在酒店的商店內,亦能找到不少台灣設計師及藝術家的作品。


Tokyo city is getting ready for the 2020 Olympics by rebuilding many of the existing architectures. Once a warehouse for auto parts, this building located in Azabu-Jūban was originally on the list of being rebuilt until the Taiwanese design studio BXG and the Japanese architect Ryota Torao jumped in to transform the building into Nibunno, a hotel that is themed around Taiwanese and Japanese culture.

Nibunno is a 6-storey “livable gallery”. Every room caters to not only guests but also art works. Art gallery hotel is indeed not a unique concept, Anteroom in Kyoto directed by Kōhei Nawa is one of the successful examples. What makes Nibunno special is how the concept of gallery is blended into the hotel rooms. Inside the hotel rooms are exhibitions of various artist that change every three months. While the second floor is dedicated to Japanese artists, the third floor exhibits works of Taiwanese artists — the Taiwanese artist Kim Chen’s works were shown during the hotel’s grand opening. It is also easy to spot products designed by Taiwanese artists and designers in the hotel shop.

Seeing the growing recognition of Taiwan’s art and design inside and outside of the country, BXG wishes to provide the young Taiwanese artists with a platform to present their ingenious works to the international audience. The project is an interesting cultural exchange, as after many years of noticeable influence by Japanese culture, Taiwan is now given a chance to bring their culture to Japan.

Address: 1-8-2 Higashiazabu, Minato, Tokyo, Japan
