Wearable Toys



井野將之自言只是想做有趣的事物,而剛好踏足的領域是時尚產業,其「怪誕美學」貫穿Doublet的服飾設計哲學,處處都可以發現他的搞怪因子,像是在2018年推出的「泡麵T恤」,只要拆開杯麵包裝往裡面灌水,三分鐘後就能擁有一件T恤;又或者是在同年秋冬系列中,結合「Rainbow Film」這門屬於Sony Pictures的印刷技術,把鬼怪魑魅藏在T恤印花裡,只有用閃光燈拍照時才會反映出來。沒什麼實用性的考量,而總是以好玩為先。所以當我看到今年的「Plamodel」,倒是不覺得嘩眾取寵,而只是井野將之的正常操作罷了。

這一套來自2020秋冬系列的「Plamodel」,分別有「Knit Wear」、「Jersey Wear」以及「Leather Bag」三個款式,以未組合的模型框架為靈感,讓人好有衝動想把「組件」給通通拆下並組裝起來,然而請務必止住這份衝動;井野將之在設計「Plamodel」時,並沒有打算讓顧客把單品拆下來單獨穿著,而是要連同模型框把衣服穿起來。本來看著平平無奇的單品,一旦穿在身上立刻充滿實驗感的服飾;穿著不穿著,「Plamodel」都是非常好玩的設計。

Ever since launching Japanese brand Doublet in 2012, Masayuki Ino has taken the fashion world by storm. With his tongue-in-cheek humour and unconventional ways, the brand has been shaking things up with innovation and individualism.

With a lifetime dedication to amusement, Ino found himself stumbling into the fashion industry. Turning his wildest dreams into reality season after season, whimsicality is in Doublet’s DNA. Ever heard of instant T-shirts? In 2018, the brand launched compression T-shirts that expand when soaked in water, just like cup noodles. Same year for Fall Winter “Rainbow Film” – a printing tech by Sony Pictures – was used on T-shirts, revealing eerie prints only under flash photography. This year’s collection “Plamodel” looks more toned down, yet it is cut from the same cloth, literally.

The Fall Winter 2020 collection “Plamodel” comes in three variations: “KnitWear”, “Jersey Wear”, and “Leather Bag”. Inspired by plastic die-cut model sets from our childhood, the pieces urge us to “put them together”. However, we must fight this temptation because Ino designed “Plamodel” pieces to be worn just as they are – the garment and all it’s frames – making a statement outfit from the ordinary. To wear, or not to wear, that is the question. Whether it is our style or not, we must applaud Ino’s genius and passion in imaginative designs.
