Floating Leaves


來自哥本哈根的產品設計團隊MOEBE,深諳都市人缺乏綠色植物的滋養,最近就以自家的擺飾商品系列「Flame」為基調,再找來設計工作室Norm Architects、藝術印刷場Paper Collective等對象聯乘合作,推出眼下的偽植物標本「Floating Leaves」。

作為「Floating Leaves」的原型設計,「Frame」是MOEBE作相框或押花用途的商品,其以橡木或鋁材作框架,並以兩片的丙烯酸玻璃構成;說穿了雖然只是一個相框,卻省略所有多餘物料和綴飾,帶來明澄清澈的簡約感。而在這個基礎之下。MOEBE找來Norm Architects為「Flame」製作相框裡的植物圖案海報,後者在參閱了無數經典植物圖鑑,最終拍板決定以「漂浮葉片」為主調;其善用光影與構圖比例,以及「Frame」框架本身優異的透明度,並交給Paper Collective把圖案印刷在UV泊紙上,帶來一幀幀疑幻疑真,彷似是真實從樹上剛摘落的鮮嫩綠葉,綠油油的令人心曠神怡。

The Copenhagen-based Scandinavian design brand MOEBE is well aware of how city life lacks the nourishment provided by green plants. Inspired by the brand’s own series ‘Flame’, the brand teamed up with the design studio Norm Architects and the art print workshop Paper Collective to create “Floating Leaves” — a botanical photography series that can be at first glance mistaken as plant specimens.

The MOEBE Frame consists of two pieces of acrylic glass, four lists made of either oak or aluminium and a rubber band; to give a sense of transparency, the design discards any unnecessary ornament and refinement and reduce the product into a minimalistic frame. Being invited by MOEBE to design botanical posters for the MOEBE Frame, Norm Architects did a thorough research on various botanical illustrations and herbarium before having Sabi leaves as the core of the project. The carefully calculated composition and lighting effect, the remarkable transparency of the MOEBE Frame, together with the special printing technique Paper Collective applied on the transparent film, the print brings out a hyperreal representation of some freshly picked green leaves that are exceptionally soothing to look at.
