
Live With Spark Joy

Gathering Basket By Fog Linen Work


創立Fog Linen Work的關根由美子,起初想找回令自己心動的床單,一張童年時天天睡著的亞麻床單;後來苦尋不果,於是在立陶宛生產自家的亞麻產品,追求簡約、優質、耐用,使用時會因為它們的簡樸美麗而感到愉快;它們靜靜地待在一角,成為家中最自然不過的風景。除了亞麻產品,於印度製造的手工鐵籃亦是受歡迎的產品,籃子以傳統方式編織而成,黑色的鐵線不規則地彎曲,線條簡潔又帶點手造的粗糙質感。籃子可放置廚房布、蔬菜水果或是當成麵包籃也不錯,簡樸不耀眼的籃子能按使用者的需要而轉換場所及收納不同的東西,並依然保持優雅古典的樣子。把東西以優雅的姿態好好收納,就是最好的整理魔法。

While it should be warm, the cold still lingers in protest. I already could not wait to take out the clothes for the next season. I first piled them up and sorted them one by one. This action was inspired by the book The Life-Changing Magic of Tidying Up: The Japanese Art of Decluttering and Organizing written by Marie Kondo, the Japanese organizing consultant. I followed her advice to gather every piece of my clothing and put it in a giant pile, so that I could look closely at every piece of my possession. Kondo does not rigidly follow the idea of Danshari (to physically and emotionally declutter unnecessary items), she is also not a fan of extreme minimalism. To her, it is absolutely fine to keep things as long as they can “spark joy”. Isn’t it a pleasurable way to live surrounded by things that spark joy?

Yumiko Sekine founded Fog Linen Work as she wanted to find a bedsheet that could “spark joy” — a linen bedsheet that she used every day as a child. Failing to find this sort of bedsheet in any shop, Sekine decided to produce her own linen fabric in Lithuania. It is a simplistic, elegant, beautiful and durable material that brings people a sense of happiness. Just leave the product at the corner of your home, they can quickly become a beautiful decoration to look at. Apart from linen products, Fog Linen Work’s wire basket, which is handmade in India, is as well popular among customers. The basket is made using a traditional method. The black color metal wire is bent into irregular shape to create a clean outline and slightly rough texture. The basket can be used for storing kitchen towel, fruits, and vegetables, or even bread. The minimalist design of the basket makes it a perfect fit into any occasion and space. No matter what you place inside of the basket, its elegance can always remain unaffected. Using beautiful things as a storage unit is very likely one of the best magic of tidying up.

A Beautiful Store    3/F,194 prince Edward Road West, Prince Edward, Hong Kong
