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May 17, 2019

Four Seasons 。Winter

近年大分的觀光廣告不再一成不變,例如請來前日本水上芭蕾國家隊成員的「水上芭蕾溫泉」、期間限定的「溫泉主題樂園」,還有為配合去年於日本舉行的世界盃美式足球賽而拍的「溫泉 x 美式足球」。創意無限的廣告讓這個沉寂多年的古老溫泉鄉變得年輕有趣。

Oita. Beppu Onsen
There is no place better suited to be shrouded in fog than Beppu. The earliest history of Beppu Onsen can be traced back to
Iyo Province Fudoki, which was edited in the 8th century. Inside this onsen town, every breath of air is mixed with a faint odor of sulphur. At present, Beppu boasts more than 2,800 hot spring vents, which unleash more than 90,000 litres of hot spring per minute, topping Japan in both the number of onsen vents and the amount of hot spring water.
In recent years, tourism-related advertisements in Oita have broken the mould. For example, they have invited members of Japan’s national synchronized swimming to film a video of synchronized swimming in onsen, built a temporary “hot spring theme park”, and also made a promotional video of  “Onsen X Rugby” to coincide with this year’s Rugby World Cup in Japan. Such immensely creative advertising has injected youthfulness and a dash of fun into this ancient hot spring town, which has kept a low profile for years.


looking at the photos and reading articles. Each word and sentence conjures up images. An enthusiast of Japanese culture, I would like to leave a record of my own memories of the Heisei Era before the new one begins.

Instagram: onkickomoshiroi_travel
