The scent of cypress tress



來自石川縣百年企業「加賀木材」的旗下品牌,NOTO HI BAKARA以蒸餾方式萃取柏樹的純露精華,製作成既可為衣物僻味,同時帶來殺菌效果的天然噴霧,而特別適合用於平日不常清洗的大衣、帽子等衣物上。使用之前先輕輕搖晃,對準衣物噴灑即成,另外也可用於清潔被鋪,或者噴灑於室內環境裡以作防蟲、防霉之用。而如果你真的沒有殺菌需求,但還是想享受柏樹的香氣,就可以用同品牌推出的香薰機套裝,芬芳效果不減,可輕易把香味薰滿全屋,而即使殺菌成效不如前者,但因此也能更安心地,用於有小孩、寵物的居家環境。

Cypress trees are known for their adaptability. They can weather extreme heat, and survive through severe colds. This is also why they can be found everywhere around the globe. Hiba wood – a member of the cypress family – can be found in the Noto Peninsula of the Ishikawa Prefecture in Japan. A local enterprise has captured the unique fragrance of cypress trees and turned it into a spray. Allowing this rare calming scent to be with us anytime, anywhere.

NOTO HI BAKARA is a brand by Kagamoku, an enterprise with over 100 years of history from Ishikawa Prefecture. The brand has created an essential oil distilled and refined from Hiba wood. The natural oil spray can deodorize and sterilize clothing, particularly useful for coats and hats that don’t get washed frequently. To use, simply shake the bottle gently and spray it onto the garments. It is also effective in cleaning beddings, indoor disinfection, and as an insect repellent. Other than sterilization, you can also use the oil together with the brand’s aroma diffuser. As it is so natural, it is children and pets friendly. You can find your peace of mind while filling your home with this versatile and soothing scent.

Available at LAB Collector
4/F, 22 Ashley Road, Tsim Sha Tsui, Hong Kong
