
Pull Push Products


自京都精華大學建築系畢業,設計師佐藤延弘不蓋摩天大樓,反而自命為工匠;在任職建築公司短短幾年後,於2002年創立了自家品牌Pull Push Products,其以經典的建築線條為靈感,細意打造出的微型建築,是結合上盆栽、香薰、文具,燈具和時計等多樣化功能的擺設商品。


察看「MOTIF」系列中的細節,不論是「房屋」地基外露的鐵枝、以小幅玻璃嵌入成的透明窗戶,又甚或是建築外牆上的細緻紋理,均帶來極其逼真的效果。而誠然小屋造型的擺設商品在市面上屢見不鮮,可是像Pull Push Products般水準高超的作品實不多見。假如你是有意購入同類型商品的讀者,不妨可以先考慮購入Pull Push Products的設計,肯定是一個真材實料的選項。


Despite having graduated from the Department of Architecture in Kyoto Seika University, Nobuhiro Sato, currently a designer, has chosen not to build skyscrapers but would rather call himself an artisan. After working briefly for a construction firm for a few years, he went on to found his own brand called Pull Push Products. Drawing inspiration from traditional architectural outlines, his brand created home decorations in the form of miniature buildings, which boast multiple functions including that of planters, aroma diffusers, stationery items, lighting products and clocks.

Among the various product lines under the brand, MOTIF grabs the most attention for its planter and aroma diffuser designs based on single-family houses. The “house” is made from a wide variety of materials including wood and Bichotan charcoal, each one of them personally crafted by Nobuhiro Sato himself, and each quite easily takes at least a few months to complete.

If you look closely at the small detail in the MOTIF series, from the iron sticks sticking out of the foundation, transparent windows put together by tiny glass pieces, to even the delicate patterns on the external walls of the structure, they all look almost real. Certainly, miniature houses for decoration are nothing out of ordinary, but it is hard to find those rivaling Pull Push Products’ outstanding quality. If you want to purchase this kind of products, you might consider first bringing home designs by Pull Push Products, which are without doubt a reliable option.

G/F, 1 Shin Hing Street, Central, Hong Kong
