Stool 60 Aizome

Artek  x Buaisou


由Alvar Alto創立的家具品牌Artek於四月底在東京開設了首間日本的旗艦店,剛巧今年又是品牌發源地芬蘭與日本建交的100周年紀念,Artek便特別推出了一系列的紀念商品。首批推出市面的,便是「Stool 60 藍染」,顧名思義就是以藍染技術,為經典的Stool 60換上全新的妝容。


Artek這次邀請了Buaisou合作,將一百多張Stool 60交到他們手上,請他們以藍染為其添上一襲靛藍的新衣。經過藍染的Stool 60,木紋隱約在染料中透出,藍染染料濃淡不一,每張櫈子都流露著不同的表情。Artek向來重視天然素材的本質的呈現,這次的合作正好秉承了品牌的一貫作風。

「Stool 60 藍染」合作生產了110張,其中100張作了漆的塗裝,另外10張則沒作任何塗裝表層,將藍染的質品原原本本地展現出來。


Artek, the Finnish furniture brand founded by Alvar Alto, just opened their first flagship store in Tokyo in late April. Artek has launched a new series of products to celebrate the new shop as well as the 100th anniversary of diplomatic relations between Japan and Finland. The first product introduced was Stool 60 Aizome, the repainted version of the brand’s iconic Stool 60 series using the technique of the traditional Japanese indigo dyeing.

Tokushima Prefecture is the first place to produce Japanese indigo fabrics, its history can be traced back as early as the Edo period. Kamiita-cho in the prefecture is home to industries of every single process of indigo dyeing. The region grows the Japanese indigo plant, ferments the material for the dye and dye their unique Awa Indigo. Like other traditional crafts, Awa Indigo was also facing the challenge of lacking young apprentice who can inherit the technique. Luckily, aizome (which is the Japanese word for indigo dyeing) continues to be loved by a specific group or followers, mainly because it is an organic technique that applies all natural material.

Artek has collaborated with Buaisou to paint over a hundred Stool 60 in the beautiful color of aizome. The wood grain is still visible on the surface of the Stool 60 Aizome chairs. The shade of blue varies, which makes each of the stools one of a kind. Artek has always been passionate about retaining the texture and quality of the natural material they use, it is no surprise how well this collaboration fits into the brand’s value.

A numbered edition of 100 Stool 60 Aizome is available with a protective natural lacquer finish. A further 10 stools are dyed without protective lacquer, allowing the natural texture of the indigo technique to shine through.
