Like a sugar-coated gummy candy

with a mouthful bitten off - Baku Takahashi’s glassware.

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The glass sculptures of Baku Takahashi look like horns arising from water. Regardless of the bizarre appearance, the glass arts he made look mellow and innocent attributed to their plump shapes. Not only are their outlines one of a kind, but the choice of color also leaves the viewers a vivid impression. While a matt finishing is applied on the round surfaces, the seamed edges look smooth and shiny. Each piece simply looks like a sugar-coated gummy candy with a mouthful bitten off.


Takahashi is particularly strong in blowing glass without using a mold. When the glass reaches the half-molten state under high heat, he then shapes them into a different form using tweezers and shears. When preparing for new work, Takahashi usually draws quite a few drafts. Then from these drafts, he would pick some of the shapes that interest him before using them as the blueprints of his design, which often leads to an unexpected final product. “Although I can never foresee how the end product would look like, I believe they all came from some of my forgotten memories that were awaken during the creative process. I am obsessed with developing the ideal shapes through this formulating process.” The sceneries he has seen in nature, the images that once flashed in front of him, as well as the works by other artists are all quietly stored in his memory.


After five to six years of repeated trials and failures, Takahashi finally feels his hands are in sync with his mind. “Every day, I have close contact with glass as my medium of creation. I would sometimes discover nature and changes in the glass as a material that I was not aware of before. I always try to express my emotion from these moments through my designs.”

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高橋漠在2016與和田朋子成立了玻璃品牌「透明 toumei」,徒手吹製平易近人的日常器物,相信「任何東西也得靠雙手努力」。在家鄉福岡設立的工房,由舊民宅自行改建,包括燒製玻璃時使用的窯爐也是兩人親手建成。

Together with Tomoko Wada, Baku Takahashi founded the glassware brand TOUMEI in 2016. The brand specializes in everyday items made of blown glass with the motto of “everything needs to be achieved by manual effort”. The two transformed an old residential house into a workshop in their hometown Fukuoka. From the glassware to the glass blowing kiln, the two founders have put in their manual efforts to build and create everything from scratch.

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