Little People with Free Souls

Little Creative Factory


孩子赤著腳,走在荒蕪又崎嶇的沙石上,抹去了一臉幼氣,沉靜中帶一點睿智,懷著希望地面向永恆又變幻莫測的地平線。巴塞隆那的時裝品牌Little Creative Factory今季以地平線為主題,告訴我們面對變化無常的世界必須有一顆自由又勇敢的小心靈。原為建築師的Cristina為女兒親手製作一頂帽子後,啟發了她建立時裝品牌,由建築城市大廈到製作衣服,Cristina以不同方式去建構對未來的想像,同時也在建構對孩子的寄望。

在Cristina的眼中,布料和針線就好比鋼筋和水泥,透過立體及寛鬆的剪裁和層次穿搭,呈現出不同的輪廓,猶如大廈般沉穩而多變。系列採用植物染料,於棉布和麻布上展現自然色彩,質感柔軟舒適。經典簡約亦是品牌一大特色,當中帶點神秘又浪漫的歐洲古典風格,令人想像穿上Little Creative Factory的孩子走在月下的森林裡探險,總是懷著自由的心靈,勇敢又好奇,無畏地去發掘生活裡的新視野和可能性。

The children are walking barefoot on the barren and rugged sand. Instead of any trace of childishness, they are all wearing a sophisticated and wise expression. Gazing into the eternal yet dynamic horizon, the children appear to be full of hope. The Barcelona based fashion brand Little Creative Factory has launched their new season with “horizons” as the theme, which conveys the idea of facing our ever-changing world with an unrestrained and brave little soul. Cristine used to be an architect. She was only inspired to found a fashion brand after making a hat for her daughter. Switching her career from architecture to clothes, Cristina is simply using a different approach to construct her vision for the future, as well as the aspiration she has for the children.

To Cristina, fabric and thread are not much different from steel and cement. Using an elevated but loose cutting that matches with layering, the clothes she designs are as steady and dynamic as a building. Cotton and linen fabrics used in her Horizons series are dyed with plants. Not only is the color tone natural, but the texture is also exceptionally soft. The minimalistic design of the brand exudes a mysterious, romantic, classical European style. Imagine children wearing the Little Creative Factory’s design are having an adventure in the moonlit forest, they must have an unrestrained soul; they must be brave and curious children who would fearlessly explore new possibilities in ordinary life.

Shop here: joyeuserie
