Double Side Calculator

by FreshService



前陣子看FreshService推出的新一輪雜貨中,特別相中這款計算機。在智慧型手機當道的現今,已經很少人會買獨立一台的計算機,然而對於像從事業務的人員,因著頻繁使用計算機的工作特性,加上要保有專業性的形象,一台實體計算機就仍是必備品。而「Double Side Calculator」就是為業務人員而設計的計算機,假設業務與客戶對坐,業務員飛快地敲打實體鍵盤,列出算式及總數,並利用它雙液晶顯示屏的設計,不必刻意把計算機轉向客戶,就能令客戶能一目瞭然地看個究竟。雖然只是一個小小的設計、巧思,卻又使整個商談的過程,進行得更加流暢。

「Double Side Calculator」分軍綠、白色兩個色款,工作性質較保守的可以選白色,如果是從事創意性質的企業,或者是自己開店的店主,承襲品牌軍事風格的軍綠色,就可能是更好的選項,而在不使用時,FreshService這台計算機也絕對是店面裡優質的擺飾。

Founded by select shop luminary Takayuki Minami, FreshService has a theme of a logistic company. Ever since it’s guerrilla pop-up from a few years back, the shop has been known for curating high quality products and it’s refined industrial vibe, garnering loyalty from many home ware enthusiasts. Whether it is clothing, household items or storage units, they generate buzz worthy excitement every time a new product drops.

In the most recent FreshService drop, this calculator caught my eye. Even though the need for stand-alone calculators has been in decline with the popularity of smartphones, it is still a prevalent necessity among industries and professionals who use a calculator perpetually. This “Double Side Calculator” is specially designed for the professionals. When sitting opposite clients, professionals can punch numbers while their clients can view the calculations directly from the double-sided LCD panel without having to flip around the calculator. This small yet thoughtful touch efficiently enhances the whole meeting, ensuring a smooth conversation.

The “Double Side Calculator” comes in military green and white. White is perfect for those who work in a more traditional setting. Whereas the military green is great for those who are in the creative industry, such as entrepreneurs and small business owners. Even when this FreshService is not in use, it can be a fashionable styling prop.
