The Building Blocks of a Calm Mind

IKEA Mindsets

ikea mindsets


由澳洲Ikea發起的特別企劃「Mindsets」,把組裝傢俱的樂趣延伸出去,推出這一系列五個的組裝玩具,由五位不同的藝術家、創作者設計,每個玩具的完成時間都預設在十五分鐘,而剛好「十五分鐘」,就是大家公認的放鬆休息的區間。這五個作品分別是Mr Chuck的「Hundgodis」;Jason Hodges的「Fågelhus」;Fintan Magee的「Skulptur」;Emma Watkins的「Xylofon」和Christine的「Underlägg」。



Building IKEA furniture has become a rite of passage for many, some are more interested in the process of assembling more than the furniture piece itself. Does this remind you of anyone? Take it to the next level with IKEA Mindsets – a mind enriching series through the assembly of the products – and flex your creative muscle.

Developed by IKEA Australia, this special Mindset series transforms the joy of furniture assembling into five mindful experiences. Designed by five different artists and creators, each product takes 15-minutes to assemble. 15 minutes is the exact amount of time to relax and recharge the mind. The five creations are Hundgodis by Mr Chuck, Fågelhus by Jason Hodges, Skulptur by Fintan Magee, Xylofon by Emma Watkins, and Underlägg by Christine.

Each imaginative product comes with its own narrative. Hundgodis is building blocks to be enjoyed with your furry best friend. Underlägg is a birdhouse that inspires connections with the great outdoors. And Xylofon transforms into a xylophone where music can be played.

To create a total immersive rejuvenation experience, each creator has put together 15-minute Spotify playlists to go with their Mindset product. The artists and creators are all brilliantly acclaimed in their respective fields, you can find out more about each mindful experience and their fascinating creators from this website.
