Naoto Fukasawa’s New Classic


每次推出新設計,都必定會造成話題的深澤直人,最近又佔滿各設計新聞的版面。然而這次居然不是推出新設計,而是有品牌想復刻他在八十年代設計的文具套裝 ——「Team-Demi」,而到底這一套文具套裝有何來頭?復刻設計又與原裝的有何不同?

Every time Naoto Fukasawa launches a new design, he makes headlines in all the creative and design media. This time is not about a new design though, a brand has invited him to do a remake of his stationery set “Team-Demi” from the 80s. Which leads people to wonder, what’s so special about this stationery set that called for a remake?

1984年代,深澤直人從多摩美術大學畢業才四年,當時他為文具品牌PLUS設計了「Team-Demi」這個文具套裝,只有12.4 公分× 8.5 公分的空間,就容納了釘書機、膠水、膠帶、美工刀、直尺,剪刀和捲尺等七種文具,而且把工具收進盒子時,都能夠近乎無縫地平整擺放,視覺體驗來得更精緻。深澤直人回憶道,他在設計「Team-Demi」時就把它想像成可以送人的小禮物,除了因為外形精緻,也因為內容物充份又實用,引用他的原話,就是一個「每個人的家裡該有一個,職場上人人皆有一個」的設計。

In 1984, four years after graduating from Tama Art University, Fukasawa designed the “Team-Demi” stationery set for stationery brand PLUS. Only 12.4cm x 8.5cm in size, the set included 7 stationarires: stapler, glue, tape, art knife, ruler, scissors, and measuring tape. It was also visually soothing, seeing everything fitting so seamlessly inside the box. Fukasawa designed “Team-Demi” as a small gift for everyone and anyone. Dainty exterior aside, the set is extremely practical. It is “something that everyone should have at home, and at work” he said.



Classic designs never go out-of-date. 36 years after “Team-Demi” was first launched, PLUS invited Fukasawa to be the creative director for the remake. In the new version of “Team-Demi”, he kept the iconic rounded rectangular box, but updated with magnetic closures. A SIM card ejector pin was also included – making the number of stationeries from 7 pieces to 8 pieces – as a practical tool for the digitalised age.

The new “Team-Demi” comes in four colours: white, grey, blue, and pink. Nowadays it’s not just handy to have one at home and at the office, the “Team-Demi” is great for travelling and business trips. Just put the compact and lightweight set into your suitcase, and you will have an office anywhere.
