Living without plastics


刺繡家Lauren Dicioccio把自己的作品分為兩個階段,近期的較為抽象,她不如一貫的刺繡家般以針線作為「繪畫」的媒體,而在創作過程裡,探索著布與線、纖細而柔軟的線條與苯重的形態之間,相輔相成又對比強烈的關係。至於早期的作品,則是較為具體的,她以刺繡來摹臨生活裡各種大家所熟知的物品,與此同時,透過她獨特的針法,為作品增添了不少奇幻氣息。

2009年,Lauren Dicioccio開始了名為Organza Shopping Bags的作品系列,仿製了美國最常見的塑膠購物袋,以尼龍質地的布料及色丁造成手提塑膠袋的模樣,上面繡上了「Thank You」及花兒圖案,像真度極高。Lauren Dicioccio居於美國三潘市,2007年3月,三潘市通過了禁止商戶使用塑膠袋的法例,是美國首個推行此法例的地區,可說是開啟了美國的「走塑」時代,亦加深了這些隨處多見的塑膠袋的文化及歷史意義。Lauren Dicioccio花了長時間,親手一針一針地繡出與生活如此貼近,又如此廉價且被人隨手丟棄的物品,對她而言就像在探問這些物件的存在價值,它們何以出現,又何以消失。

近年,Organza Shopping Bags系列多了一重意義。Lauren Dicioccio將這藝術計劃量產化,取名為 THANK YOU THANK YOU tote bag,以耐用的皺褶布配上電腦刺繡,製作出一個個實用的購物布袋。這個幾可亂真的「塑膠袋」,承載著全球「走塑」的想望,望有朝一日,我們真的可以跟膠袋說再見。

THANK YOU THANK YOU tote bag,現於深水埗的Foreforehead有售。

The embroidery artist Lauren Dicioccio categorizes her own works into two stages, the primary distinction is that her recent works are more abstract. Unlike most embroidery artists, Dicioccio does not see embroidery as drawing with thread; instead, she enjoys exploring the interaction between fabric and thread when pulling the string through. She found the softness of thread and stiffness of fabric enhancing but contradicting each other at the same time. Her earlier embroideries are more concrete representations of objects that we are all familiar with, but she managed to give these objects a magical transformation through her unique way of stitching.
In 2009, Dicioccio started her Organza Bags collection by reproducing the shape of plastic shopping bags commonly seen in America with nylon and satin with the word “Thank You!” and flower patterns embroidered to them. The bags can be easily mistaken as real plastic at first glance. In San Francisco where Dicioccio resides, the plastic bag ban was passed in March 2007. It was the first major law regulating take out bags in the US that led the world towards living without plastics. While trying to minimize the use of plastic, the ban also prompted Americans to reflect on the culture and history of plastic shopping bags. As a response to this, Lauren Dicioccio has spent a great deal of time recreating this cheap and single-use object that is soon to be eliminated. This embroidery collection of hers is an exploration into the value of these objects, their first appearance, and their subsequent disappearance.

The old Organza Bags collection has recently been given a second life as Dicioccio decided to put her art project into mass production. The collection has now evolved into the THANK YOU THANK YOU tote bag that is machine embroidered on taffeta. The bags are sturdy and washable totes that highly resemble the look of plastic bags. The THANK YOU THANK YOU tote bag is a timely container to meet the worldwide hope for going plastic-free in the near future.

The THANK YOU THANK YOU tote bags are now available for sale in Foreforehead.


營業時間:星期三至日,13:00 – 19:30

Address: 132B, M/F, Ki Lung Street, Sham Shui Po
Opening hours: Wednesday to Sunday 13:00-19:30
