
The succulent-shaped diffuser

Green Idea


Green Idea是來自台灣的生活設計品牌,崇尚北歐簡約風格,致力以天然素材製作居家產品。眼前是品牌的擴香座系列,以植物為藍本,創造出多個盆栽型擴香座,分別有「大理花」、「仙人掌(恆星)」和「仙人掌(流星)」等多個造型。其中多肉植物造型的擴香石由以環保水泥製作,並經由手工打造。使用時只要把香氛滴在「植物」的最上頭,稍候片刻,待香氛流經整株「植物」後,便能利用環保水泥吸放水氣的特性,引來滿室久久不散的芬芳效果;從天然素材帶來的香氣,並兼具觀賞用途的植物造型,是一個營造愜意居室環境的良物。

香港堅尼地城山道93, 97, 99號

The smell and the longevity may be the determining factors for one to pick their home fragrance products, but the design of the diffusers is rarely exciting enough to tempt me into purchasing. Recently, this potted plant inspired diffuser finally convinced me to buy myself a home fragrance product.

Green Idea is a Taiwanese brand heavily influenced by the minimalist Scandinavian design, and dedicated to producing homeware made from natural materials. Using plants as the prototype, the brand offers a series of diffusers including the Dahlia Diffuser, Cactus Diffuser – Stellar and Cactus Diffuser – Meteor. These “succulents” are handmade products using eco-friendly cement. Drip a few drops of fragrance on the tip of the “plant”, it will be slowly diffused into the entire body of the diffuser. Since cement is water absorbent, it allows the pleasant scent to linger in the room for a longer period of time. This eco-friendly succulent shaped diffuser does not only bring a nice smell, but is also a pleasant-looking decoration to beautify your home.

93, 97, 99 Hill Road Kennedy Town, Hong Kong
