

Cement-made tiny city

水泥向來予人木納、冰冷的觀感,除非是用於建築物外牆,否則在一般居家環境中還不易找到它的蹤影。不過來自台灣的設計工作室Tripleliving,倒是心儀於水泥穩重的質感,其混合矽膠後調配出品牌自家的「軟水泥」材質,並以之開發多個生活產品系列,上頭畫面中就是由品牌推出的「tiny city」。

作為案頭工具,「tiny city」樸實的灰沉色調,不致於喧賓奪主之餘,還有一份討喜的憨厚感。「tiny city」系列款式分二——「Celement Penholder」和「Celement Sharpener」;以小屋為造型靈感,前者顧名思義是一個筆插,同時也可以收納各式文具小物;後者的款式雷同,但只要稍稍掀開屋頂,即看到設計自帶的削筆器,此外你更可以把它置在前者的「頂樓」上,像一棟樓頂違章加蓋的小屋,是擷取自台灣老社區的意象。


The outlook of cement always comes across as dull and cold. Apart from its use on buildings’ exterior, it is not easy to find its presence in a regular household. However, Tripleliving, a design studio from Taiwan, has taken a liking to the solid texture of cement. By mixing in silicone, they have formulated their own brand of “soft concrete” material which they have used for developing various lifestyle series, including “tiny city” shown above.

As desk tools, “tiny city” has simple gray and dark hues that do not steal attention away from the tool itself while boasting an appealing sense of simplicity and reliability. The “tiny city” series comes in two items, namely “Celement Penholder” and “Celement Sharpener”. Drawing inspiration from the outlook of a tiny house, the former, as its name suggests, is a pen holder which can also double as a container for small stationery items; the latter has a similar design but if you flip open its roof, you will immediately find a sharpener inside. In addition, you can place it on the “top floor” of the pen holder, making it look like an illegal addition of a tiny house to the rooftop – a representation of the image of old communities in Taiwan.

99 Hill Road Kennedy Town, Hong Kong
