Ways To Experience the Interior Space

A gaze into architecture -Phases of Contemporary Photography and Architecture

(c)Hiroshi Sugimoto/Courtesy of Gallery Koyanagi


現時於東京品川区的建築倉庫美術館舉辦建築攝影展「朝向『建築』的視線——現代攝影與建築的位相」似乎能為我的疑問提供很好的答案。是次展覽結集了解13位攝影師以建築物為被攝體的作品,包括杉本博司、畠山直哉、Honma Takashi、Thomas Demand等。每位攝影師的風格各異,他們面向建築時的視線亦大異其趣。大部份作品都非作客觀性的紀實用途,照片記下了建築物的外觀或內觀等實在的外在世界,同時亦將攝影師與之相處時的時間、經驗錄下,反映了攝影師抽像的內在世界。


(c)Candida Hofer, Koln/VG Bild-Kunst, Bonn Courtesy Yuka Tsuruno Gallery


(c)Tomoki Imai/Courtesy of Taka Ishii Gallery Photography/Film


Modern architecture exhibitions usually showcase architectural models, sketches and photos which are shot in a very humble manner so as to give an objective display of the inside and outside of the building. After visiting a few of such exhibitions, I began to ponder, is there any alternative way of making architectural photography? Although the typical architectural photography has the advantage of giving accurate presentations of the structure, space, material and other quality, what it cannot deliver is the vibe of the space, the warmth of the sunlight or the movement of air. By looking at the photography, these are the elements that the viewers are not given rooms to imagine.

I seem to have found an answer to my question in A gaze into architecture – Phases of Contemporary Photography and Architecture, the current exhibition at The ARCHI-DEPOT Museum  in Tokyo Shinagawa area. The exhibition is showing architectural photography of 13 photographers from around the world including Hiroshi Sugimoto, Naoya Hatakeyama, Honma Takashi, and Thomas Demand. The diverse styles of the photographers allow them to view architecture in distinctive angles that are interesting to explore. Most of the works are more subjective than objective; instead of using photography as mere documentation that records the actuality of the facade and interior of the architecture, their photography also abstractly reflects the inner world of the photographers when interacting with the architecture.

Alongside photography, visitors can have an even better grasp of the interior structure of the buildings through 6 architectural models. The exhibition will be shown until 8 October.
