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Daily Wall Calendar

Also as a household encyclopedia.





“I like traditional wall calendars very much. Their design is very pretty and smart.”

When I was reading this email from the illustrator, I could not help but nod at the computer screen. My eyes then quickly turned to the traditional wall calendar I asked her to draw earlier. Clear and enlarged number font in lush green, with densely packed information under it, its design both simple and presentable. A sense of joy wells up in mind just by looking at it.

This type of tear-off daily wall calendar you see here dates back to the mid-20th century, with large fonts showing Gregorian calendar, rural calendar as well as the twenty-four solar terms. Gregorian calendar is an internationally accepted civil calendar that requires no extra explanation. As for the rural calendar, it combines features of both the solar and lunar calendars, thus giving birth to the twenty-four solar terms that record the movement of the sun throughout the year. That was what peasants referred to for sowing seeds and harvests. As for the information at the bottom, including favorable activities and those to be avoided for the day, it served as a household encyclopedia for ordinary citizens back at a time when science was not as advanced.

Certainly, in this era when everyone is armed with a mobile phone, there is actually no practical need to buy an extra calendar. It is just that recently I have come to notice that this type of tear-off daily calendar, which has almost disappeared from our life, matches surprisingly well with the interior design style of simplicity and neatness pursued by modern-age citizens. Imagine how smart the calendar looks, being pinned on the white wall, just like a green plant that invites intimacy; you cannot help but want to stare at it all the time.
