WindowScape 3: Windows and Workspace

Windows and the traditional arts and crafts

《WindowScape 3 窓の仕事学》,塚本由晴著

建築師塚本由晴由2010年出版了首本《WindowScape》,專注於研究世界各地的窗戶,與當地風土人情的關係。2017年,「WindowScape」出版了第三冊《WindowScape 3 窓の仕事学》(中譯:窗的工作學),這次塚本由晴走訪了日本多個工匠的工房,探看這些功能性的建築物裡面,窗戶扮演著甚麼角式。



「《WindowScape 3 窓の仕事学》中載有很多照片與插畫,單是翻看也教人很享受。」

1981年於日本岡山縣出生,大學畢業後曾在大型連瑣書店擔任買手,現時就職於出版電影及藝術書籍相關的Film Art出版社,2016年於京都西陣地區創辦了Montag Booksellers——一家以海外文學為主的小書店。

WindowScape 3: Windows and Workspace by Tsukamoto Yoshiharu
Recommended by Norihiko Miyasako

In 2010, architect Tsukamoto Yoshiharu published his first book from the WindowScape series. The book takes on an investigative angle to study windows around the world, as well as the relationship between windows and the local habitudes. The third book of the series was finally released in 2017. To prepare for WindowScape 3: Windows and Workspace, Tsukamoto visited studios of many Japanese artisans to explore the role of windows in architecture that serves a particular function.

‘This is actually the most popular book series of our publishing house. I am always intrigued to learn about Tsukamoto’s new angle of discussing windows whenever there is a new book from the series to be published. Naturally, I was fascinated by how he talks about windows through the work of Japanese artisans.

‘Every shape is designed for a reason. The number of windows in a building is determined by its function. Windows of the Japanese residence share a similar design because they are in fact bound by the specific regulations in Japan. The book taught me about the intertwined relationship between windows and workspace; my newly acquired knowledge then brings me greater pleasure in appreciating windows of the traditional buildings in old towns. In his book, Tsukamoto introduces to his readers many of the buildings in Kyoto. Living in Kyoto, I have the luck to actually visit many of the buildings and their windows, and to recognize the important role windows play in this ancient capital.

‘With its many photos and illustrations, WindowScape 3: Windows and Workspace brings to its readers an enjoyable experience even if one merely skims through the pages.’

Norihiko Miyasako
Born in Okayama Prefecture, Japan in 1981. Miyasako worked as a buyer for a mega bookstore chain upon graduation, and is now working for Film Art, the publisher of cinema- and art-related books. In 2016, Miyasako founded a small bookshop called Montag Booksellers in Nishijin district of Kyoto that specializes in foreign literature.
