A little monster from the desert

L'OBJET X The Haas Brothers

洛杉磯的雙生藝術家The Haas Brothers的Nikolai 和 Simon Haas在約書亞樹國家公園擁有一間物業,身處當中能感受到大自然的靈性,廣闊空靈的景觀令人浮現出千奇百怪的想像。今年與L’OBJET合作的「野生怪物」系列,便以這種想像為靈感,生活在沙漠、神秘古怪又帶點可愛的怪物家族,身上精細雕刻的紋理如皮膚、毛髮般生動,金光閃閃的小觸角好像是與外太空聯繫的天線。系列猶如〈愛麗絲夢遊仙境〉的茶壺一樣會說話、走路,幽默俏皮又不失優雅個性。正如L’OBJET的創意總監所說:「這世界不需要更多產品,她需要更優秀的產品」。可愛的小魔怪擁有不同的功用,如儲物盒、碟子、蠟蠋台和花瓶等,為家居帶來愉快又夢幻的色彩。

The Los Angeles-based artists Simon and Nikolai Haas from The Haas Brothers often take inspiration from the otherworldly landscape of Joshua Tree National Park in which they own a property.There, surrounded by the vast spiritual space, they freely conjure up the most whimsical ideas. Their close collaboration with L’Objet this year, the Ferngully series, was exactly inspired by such mystical imaginations. This family of mysterious yet adorable creatures is embellished with hand-carved scales, porcelain “fur” and whimsical horns that appear like an antenna to connect with the outer space. Like a distant relative of the talking teapot from Alice In Wonderland, the series is playful but with elegance. The creative director of L’Objet said, “Our world is not short of products, but products that are of greater value.” These little monsters can be diversely used as storage, plate, candle holder or vase, bringing joy and eccentric colors to our homes.

E:Elad Yifrach, Founder and Creative Director of L’OBJET
N:Nikolai Haas, The Haas Brothers
S:Simon Haas, The Haas Brothers

O: 在今次的合作中,有沒有特別的感受?

E:Haas Brothers擁有過人的遠見,他們的創作總是充滿夢幻色彩。由設計概念發展成產品的過程實在令人著迷。



O:Did you have any interesting experience when working with Haas Brothers?

E:The Brothers are such incredible visionaries, and everything they create is infused with fantasy. Watching them come up with ideas and immediately begin to create them is captivating.

N:Yes, L’objet is very focused on functionality and neatness.. which are generally less present in our practice. It was really cool to think like L’Objet… to make sure things we were creating were functional and would appeal to a larger audience. Also, getting to know everyone at L’Objet has been really lovely. I feel like we have a whole new family.

S:My favorite part of the process was working with ceramic artists in Portugal.  We got to take a road trip through the Portuguese countryside and meet amazing artists and eat amazing food. It was beautiful!


E:對我來說,最令人驚喜的是實用元素,尤其是Lynda plate box和Lazy Susan,每次看都讓我不禁大笑起來。系列充滿了幽默感,同時不失優雅。由人手繪上24K金的Lynda plate box內藏四隻碟子,可以用來盛載朱古力、杏仁或是糖果。

S:整個系列我都很喜歡,所以我最喜愛的設計也會經常會轉變;現在的我認為Lazy  Susan最可愛,無論你放什麼在它之上,當你與它互動時,也會令人會心微笑。

O: Can you tell us something about the favourite piece of this collection?

E:To me the most exciting pieces are the ones with the surprising functional element to them. The Lynda plate box and Lazy Susan in particular makes me smile over and over again. They are full of humor yet elegant. Hand painted in 24kt gold, the Lynda Plate Box holds 4 plates inside to share chocolate, nuts or sweets… her lips are always perfect in pink.  

S:My favorite piece changes all the time because I love them all, but I think that the Lazy Susan is the coolest.  She’s very cute and I think that no matter what you put in her she’ll make you smile each time you interact with her.


E:我從前大多從旅行中所遇到的事情中汲取靈感,我的設計充滿了異國文化,當中的習俗和慶典背後隱藏著生活的藝術。L’OBJET Haas Brothers系列就是背離我習慣已久的想法。系列的靈感來自幻想,而不是文化。這種想法令人反思我們與日常物品的關係。



O:Where do you get your inspiration?

E: Previously, my collections have been inspired by the cultures I’ve encountered on my travels. They speak to the customs and ceremonies behind the cultural art of living. That is why L’OBJET Haas Brothers is such a departure for me. It’s inspired by a fantasy, not a culture. It’s vision that helps you rethink the way you relate to the objects we use every day.

N:From my twin Simon, my son Fox, my wife, my entire family and friends, nature, music, film… life!

S: I am very inspired by nature and we both love cartoons.

O:你怎樣形容Haas Brothers的風格?與L’OBJET有相似的地方嗎?

S:Haas Brothers的風格比較夢幻,而且非常重視工藝。我們的風格比L’OBJET會闊一點,但兩者都是沉迷於創造漂亮的東西。我們夢幻的風格與重視細節和功能性的L’OBJET結合是一件美妙的事情。

O:How would you describe Haas Brothers’ style? Any similar element(s) with L’Objet?

S:Our style is very much about fantasy and obsessive dedication to craftsmanship.  I think that we are wilder than L’Objet in general, but we are both obsessed with making things beautifully.  It was a great marriage of our style with L’objet’s attention to detail and functionality.

O:L’OBJET Haas Brothers系列想表達什麼訊息?



O:What do you want to express through your works?

E: For the L’OBJET Haas Brothers collection, I wanted to create pieces that make you smile. These are objects you are hopefully going to use every day, so why not infuse them with humor and fantasy? I love that this collection takes you away to another world and changes the way you relate to objects within your home.

S:We want people to experience happiness and awe when they see our work.  Humor and beauty are the most important.





O: What does “Home” mean to you?What is your “Home essential”?

E: I travel so often that my home has become increasingly more precious to me. I am always on the move, so I really rely on my home as some place I can relax, cook dinner, and unwind. I love to sit on my terrace and read or have friends over for dinner. I love the light and smell of a good candle at home.

N: It means the place I feel most comfortable… the place that I can entertain my friends and family. I have to have a record player and incense.. haha.. I’m a bit of a hippy.

S:Home is my sanctuary! I need candles and incense in my home.  I need to feel at peace when I am there and fragrances have a lot to do with that for me.

Lane Crawford ifc mall Home Store  Shop 4008, Podium 4, ifc mall, 8 Finance Street, Central, Hong Kong  2118 2288
