KYOTOGRAPHIE International Photography Festival

Images of the ancient capital

去年參加KYOTOGRAPHIE的經驗記憶猶新。Arnold Newman拍攝的黑白人物照片,構圖仔細,照片內的空間與氣氛,呼應著二条城二之丸御殿台所質樸的古建築物;香港攝影師殷家樑的展場,設在擁有百多年歷史的大型京町家無名舍,Kallen彷彿將建築物化成了巨型的裝置,作品完全融入了展場之中;嶋臺Gallery內,枯葉舖滿地,讓Hanne van der Woude以老年為主題的作品更顯落索⋯⋯在KYOTOGRAPHIE舉辦期間,市內滿滿的攝影相關的活動,參觀者看展覽之餘,也能借機參觀平常難得開放或需要預約的歷史建築物,同時也借機好好細看這個美麗的城市,非常充實。

2018年的KYOTOGRAPHIE在這個春天便要舉行了,場地、周邊活動等的詳情雖然仍未公佈,但看到參展者名單已教人期待不已。當中包括了法國攝影大師Frank Horvat、來自南非的Gideon Mendel、搞怪的日本年輕女攝影師Izumi Miyazaki等等。

I still have vivid memory of last year’s KYOTOGRAPHIE festival. The black and white portraits made by Arnold Newman had a precisely arranged composition; the vibe and energy in the photos were in such harmony with the rustic ancient architecture of Nijo-jo Castle Ninomaru Palace Daidokoro Kitchen. Hong Kong photographer Kallen Yan’s photographies were exhibited in Mumyosya, a sizable Machiya style building which dates back more than a hundred years. Yan seemed to have transformed the entire building into an enormous piece of installation, a perfect example of how a work can be seamlessly infused into the venue. Inside of Shimadai Gallery Kyoto, the floor was covered with autumn leaves, which enhanced the theme of aging in Hanne van der Woude’s photography. During the KYOTOGRAPHIE festival, the city would provide numerous photography-related activities. Apart from viewing the photography exhibition, visitors can make their stay more meaningful by seizing the opportunity to visit the historical buildings that are seldom open to the public or require an appointment for visiting — it is certainly a perfect chance to have a better look at this beautiful city.

The KYOTOGRAPHIE festival 2018 will soon begin in spring. Information about the venues and festival-related activities was yet to be announced, but the exhibitor list alone is already exciting enough. This year, the festival will showcase works by the French master of photography Frank Horvat, the South African photographer Gideon Mendel, the young Japanese artist Izumi Miyazaki who is known for her quirky and creative style, alongside with many other photographers.

Kyotographie International Photography Festival
14 April – 13 May
