34-My Foolish Heart

Yellows Plus Eyeglasses




I’ve been wearing glasses since I was six. It’s easy to imagine how awkward a pair of glasses had looked, sitting loosely over the bridge of my miniature nose. Curious looks from other people and daily inconvenience were expected, but it was the fact that I had lost my visual acuity that was the most humiliating.

I have thus spent half my life going from rimless – and therefore relatively painless – eyeglasses to meticulous artisanship, experimenting with celluloid, delicate carvings, and seven-barrel hinges, among others. I have only just begun to reflect on the possibility of owning these shackles as part of my style.



直到近十年,每逢選購眼鏡,我在一堆混雜了各種品牌的鏡框中,花時間逐一對著鏡子端詳後,最終仍然是相中Yellows Plus這個品牌的產品,我想絕非偶然的事情。

For a while, shopping for eyewear has been a frustrating task, as eyeglasses are becoming increasingly reliant on the flux of fashion, sacrificing form for trend. Too often, I suffer the embarrassment of leaving behind a table spread of unwanted glasses that I have just tried. Design-wise, all glasses may look more or less the same, but just like faces, a slight tweak could make a massive difference to one’s look.

Over the last decade, though, every experience of trying eyewear has whittled down to Yellows Plus’s products. There’s more to mere coincidence.


相比起其他一些有標誌性設計的品牌,Yellows Plus也許不那麼起眼,乍看之下設計多年來在重複一個調子,本年度最新的系列便直接以「ReCOLLECTION」命名,重新審視故有的經典型號,稍加調整再推出;而這種「了無新意」的做法大概是我一而再,再而三光顧的原因,專注在一般人看不到的地方上下功夫,把線條變得越來越精煉,物料越來越舒適,質感越來越細膩,好比我們平常又獨特的五官,一樣耐看。

Compared to designer brands, Yellows Plus’s eyewear may appear less assuming, but rather repetitive, even. Launched this year, “ReCOLLECTION” for instance is a slight reinterpretation of the brand’s established identity. This lack of innovation is probably the reason for my loyalty to Yellows Plus: a commitment to details often overlooked, such as lines, material, texture, and comfort. The result is a timeless look, reflecting the beauty of our ordinary yet also, extraordinary faces.


假如給予一次機會我重新抉擇要否戴眼鏡,恐怕我還是不會改變,即使是如此自找麻煩的愚笨。我想總是有些人,像Bill Evans,眼鏡看起來是臉上本來就有的東西,是把鏡片下脆弱的自己與外面隔開的一道防護層,是在任何情況也不該隨便摘下的。

Given a second chance, I would probably still prefer wearing glasses, despite the cumbersome maintenance. I think for some people, like Bill Evans, eyewear is indispensable to their faces, never to be taken off; it’s the armour between one’s vulnerability and the world.
