Spoon Club




After living in the UK for two years, I began to notice a gradual decline in my materialistic desires. It could be attributed to the inconvenience and limited shopping options, as well as the proximity to nature and the natural world, which has shifted my focus away from the pursuit of material possessions. In fact, I’ve developed a keen interest in creating things with my own hands. Ten years ago when we first welcomed our eldest daughter into the world, we hoped to impart a valuable lesson to her: that the things she longed for could be crafted by her own hands, and that the process of creation holds great significance. We wanted her to appreciate the thought and intention behind the work of artisans. However, as time went on, we discovered that our own motivation for engaging in craftsmanship stemmed from our personal interests, curiosity, and practical needs, rather than solely aiming to teach our daughter specific skills. The passion for crafting has always been an inherent part of our lives, and the motivation and joy it brought us became more pure and genuine.

Back when we lived in Hong Kong, I had a strong desire to collect items made by Japanese artisans. However, being in the UK has brought me closer to local raw materials like leather, wood, wool, plant dyes, and papermaking, as well as machineries and tools. This newfound connection to the origins has kindled within us a profound desire to become makers who are intimately involved in the fabric of everyday life.


Spoon Club

在布里斯托有個叫Grow Wilder的wildlife-friendly社區農場,他們每兩星期辦一次spoon club。聽說英國很多地區都有類近的木匠課,woodcarving在這裡很流行,男士們總會隨身攜帶一把削木小刀,隨時能將木頭削成匙羹。而我去的地方Tree to Treen,由主理人Geoff Hannis打理,他提供簡單指導、木材與食物,並在田地中劃出一個開放式區域讓我們使用。

In Bristol, there is a wildlife-friendly community farm called Grow Wilder, where they host a Spoon Club every two weeks. I’ve heard that similar woodworking classes can be found throughout the UK, and that woodcarving is particularly popular here in Bristol where it’s common to see people carrying whittling knives, always ready to transform wood into spoons. At Tree to Treen, managed by greenwood maker Geoff Hannis, visitors are welcomed to make use of a designated open area within the fields and provided with helpful guidance, access to wood materials, and even the opportunity to enjoy food.


這空間被菜田環繞,木頭和木碎片散落一地,用來做木工的主要是greenwood(剛斬下來未乾透的木材),因為較柔軟、容易削。他們還有幾座腳踏車床(pole lathe),那是一種十三世紀手動式古老設計,主要用於旋轉木碗(bowl turning),初學者要踩腳踏板至少四至五小時才能完成一個碗,如果想要更薄更輕便要踩更長時間。而木材種類,會有楓樹、櫻桃樹、梣樹或橡樹,都是些被遺棄的木材或是人們捐贈的。每塊木的來源,Geoff都知道。這些空間、環境與留著一頭長髮的Geoff,每次都讓人彷彿返回了原始世界。

Surrounded by vegetable fields, this space is strewn with wood and wood fragments. The material used for woodworking here is mainly greenwood (freshly cut wood that has not fully dried) as it is softer and easier to shape. They also have several pole lathes for bowl-turning with their ancient hand-operated designs dating back to the 13th century. Beginners need to treadle for at least four to five hours to make a bowl, and often longer if they wish to make one which is thinner and lighter. As for the types of wood, they have maple trees, cherry trees, ash trees, and oak trees, all of which are sourced from donations or reclaimed materials with Geoff knowing the origin of every piece. The ambience, surroundings, and Geoff himself create an atmosphere reminiscent of a primordial world.


夏天時農地豐收,他會割些瓜菜水果讓大家帶回家。寒冬時他會生火取暖、煮熱湯,酸種麵包是他隨意用手上的木鋸切開的。在這裡大家都變得寡言,只低頭專注製作木匙。有次,一位同學帶了自製的巴洛克吉他還即興演奏了一曲。老師也分享他自製的porte cuillere木匙羹架,大家似乎都不是活在現實世界的人一樣!這樣的特質有點迷人。


During the bountiful summer harvest, he gathers a variety of vegetables and fruits for everyone to take home. When the cold winter arrives, he lights a fire to keep everybody warm and prepares steaming hot soups, served with sourdough bread that he slices with a saw. In this place, conversations become sparse as everyone becomes engrossed in the art of crafting wooden spoons. On one occasion, a fellow classmate brought a self-made Baroque guitar and treated us to an impromptu performance, while the teacher himself showed us a Porte Cuillere spoon holder that he made. There’s an enchanting quality to the place and its people, as if they exist outside the confines of the real world.

I once went on a spontaneous car trip with Geoff to visit his teacher in Swindon and attend a birthday party hosted by one of his maker friends. The people there live close to the land, with children roaming barefoot through the fields instead of attending school. They make their own chairs, wooden utensils, and bowls. There are planted crops and dried garlic strands adorning the surroundings. Another friend arrived in a camper van with a stove equipped inside. He said that traveling during winter was no issue with the warmth provided by the stove. The dog he brought with him has no collar, and he proudly shared how both his dog and his two children lived with such freedom and ease.


有時候你總是不明白,生命為什麼會讓你遇到這些讓你停下思考生命的人和事,但那種啟發與觸動是來自內心的。世界如此廣闊,人們如此美好。十年前在英國學習中古皮鞋製作的老師告訴我們,她蘋果園中的山楂樹和蘋果木都倒下了,著我們拿一些回去製作木器。於是Philip拿來練習spoon carving和bowl turning,他把做好的一個蘋果木杯送給了老師。老師立即用水測試,一天後確實滲水了,她笑著說,這隻杯是要讓她快點把水喝完的。人與物品之間,就這樣多了一個特殊連結。感謝她幽默地接受了那個還不完好的木杯。生活本應好好運用土地的資源,才能生生不息。作為maker,除了不斷修煉技巧,更在意的應該是物料的源頭,當中帶著的訊息和能量能怎樣被製作者和使用者尊重。

Sometimes, it’s hard to comprehend why life brings certain people and experiences that make you pause and contemplate the essence of existence. Yet, such moments of inspiration and impact do indeed originate from within. The world is vast, and its people are truly wonderful. A decade ago, while studying Historical Leather Shoes Making in the UK, our teacher offered us fallen hawthorn and apple wood from her orchard and encouraged us to use them for woodwork. Intrigued, Philip decided to practice his skills in spoon carving and bowl turning, and eventually, presented a finished applewood cup to our teacher as a gift. Our teacher immediately put it to test by filling it with water, and after a day, she discovered that it leaked. She joked that the cup was meant to make her drink more quickly. In that moment, a unique bond formed between the individual and the object. We are truly grateful that she accepted the imperfect wooden cup. Afterall, we ought to responsibly utilize nature’s resources to ensure sustainability. As makers, it is not only essential for us to continually refine our skills but also to honor the origins of our materials, respecting the messages and energy they carry for both makers and users.



The Cowrice family, comprising of father Philip, mother Grace, their eldest daughter Ying Ying, and youngest daughter Dou Dou, often engage in creative endeavors as a unit, exploring various art forms. Despite relocating their home and studio to the UK in recent years, their creative pursuits remain undeterred by the change in location.
