Plant Dye and Quilt Making


在英國度過的第一個春夏天,我驚覺這個國家的花季是如此美麗動人。終於明白到這裡的人為什麼喜歡使用香薰精油和花藥,他們從小一定與花有很好的連結,有著豐富的認識。在那個夏天,我發現香港一直沿用的貝曲花藥療劑的創辨人貝曲醫生的故居The Bach Centre,就在英國Wallingford(Oxford下方),而且對外開放。二話不說,我馬上開車前往,親身感受那個時代的生活氣息,參觀並了解植物、花朵、水和太陽光是如何被人類發現、轉化和應用的。我內心一閃而過的念頭,希望能善用這些隨處盛放的天然資源(花朵和植物),提練精油或為自己製作日常用的潤膚膏。然而,當時卻沒有那份展開和啟動的熱情。

As I spent my first spring and summer in the UK, I was amazed by the country’s vibrant and breathtaking blooming season, and I came to understand the British people’s affinity for essential oils and herbal remedies, likely cultivated from a deep connection with flowers since childhood and a rich understanding of their properties. It was then that I found out that Dr. Bach’s former residence, The Bach Centre, is located in Wallingford, just below Oxford. Dr. Bach is the creator of the Bach Flower Remedies I have been using since my time in Hong Kong. Knowing that The Bach Centre is open to the public, I wasted no time in driving there. I was so eager to immerse myself in the ambiance of that era and learn about the discovery, transformation, and utilization of plants, flowers, water, and sunlight. It was then a fleeting thought crossed my mind: I should harness the abundant natural resources (flowers and plants) to extract essential oils or even create my own moisturizers. However, at that particular time, I lacked the enthusiasm and motivation to embark on such a venture.


往後,我巧合地發現了一位在巴斯的植物染拼布工藝師Lucy(Tuck It In Quilts),她在Bristol辦了植物染布工作坊,我立即參加了。當天,Lucy帶著我們走入樹林,採收需要的植物作為染料(包括橡樹葉、柳樹葉和西洋蓍草),使用不同的布料,加入或不加入媒染劑或金屬鐵,已經做出了各種不同的色系。我非常喜歡這些屬於土地大自然的色彩,心裡覺得這是更適合我們將植物和花的訊息傳送的方法,就在布料的顏色上。

Later on, I came across Lucy, a botanical dye and patchwork artist based in Bath and also the maker behind Tuck It In Quilts. Lucy happened to host a plant dyeing workshop in Bristol, and I eagerly enrolled. On the day of the workshop, Lucy guided us into the woods to gather an array of plants for dyeing, such as oak leaves, willow leaves, and yarrow. We experimented with different fabrics and incorporated mordants or iron to achieve a variety of color palettes. I fell in love instantly with these hues that seemed to emanate from the very essence of the earth and nature. It became clear to me that using these colors in fabrics was a more fitting approach to conveying the messages of plants and flowers.


宇宙很快回應了我的想法。我一直喜歡的布藝藝術家Abigail Booth在Somerset的工作室Forest and Found突然開放給公眾參觀,我一直欣賞她寫的書《The Wild Dyer》。這次我有機會與她本人交流,談論作品背後的故事。Abigail的作品有一種重複、安穩和寧靜的美感,她的所有顏色顏料都來自大自然,單是顏色的來源就已經充滿故事。工作室內滿車載著枯枝果實、沙泥石頭,以及植物提煉的顏料,用來創作大型布藝藝術品,並在畫框中裱起呈現。她告訴我她在倫敦居住了十年,這兩三年才移居到英國西南部,希望生活更安靜並接近大自然資源。她牆上的作品,拼布上染上的顏色源自她從倫敦和Somerset取回的泥土,有一種與自己訴說內在世界、自言自語的感覺。

The universe responded swiftly to my thoughts. Abigail Booth, a textile artist whom I’ve always admired, unexpectedly opened her studio in Somerset, Forest and Found, to the public. I’ve been an ardent fan of her book, The Wild Dyer, and this seemed to be a golden opportunity for me to personally engage with her and delve into the narratives behind her works. Abigail’s work exudes an aura of repetition, tranquility, and serenity. She uses pigments derived from nature, making the sources of colors alone overflow with captivating stories. Her studio was filled with carts full of branches, fruits, sand, stones, and pigments extracted from plants, all of which she skillfully employed to craft expansive artworks showcased within frames. I recall her sharing that she had lived in London for a decade before moving to the southwest of England in search of a quieter life closer to natural resources. The dyes were derived from the soil she brought back from London and Somerset, evoking a sense of inner dialogue and soliloquy.




Being able to look at the work of the craftsperson I truly admired in person, engage in conversation with her, and sit quietly in her studio; such tangible experiences filled me with indescribable excitement. It was at that moment I realized that one has to cultivate a beautiful image in mind in order to become the person they aspire to be. No longer confined to the pages of books or the pixels of internet photos, this time, I could immerse myself and truly experience, see, hear, and even smell the essence of that world. It felt as though I was merging with that beautiful image in my mind and becoming the one I wanted to be.

The universe continued to respond, and I was able to complete my backyard studio. We are still exploring the art of natural dyeing, slowly and steadily, all the while eagerly anticipating the arrival of summer when flowers, plants, and trees will burst into full bloom, providing us with a profusion of blossoms to gather and use in creating dyes for our fabrics. At present, my focus lies in honing my skills in quilting and garment-making, as there is nothing more authentic in textile art than crafting the very clothes we need or would wear on a daily basis. The process becomes increasingly meaningful as I source suitable and beautiful materials, for each moment spent on patchwork and hand-stitching becomes truly worthwhile. With every stitch, I engage in a dialogue with my inner self, bringing a sense of tranquility and grounding. I am grateful for having these cherished skills that allow me to express myself.
