
A Wonderful Place Awaits


「當我放慢下來,喝一口茶,思考著接下來該畫些什麼,或是簡單地寫下腦海中浮現出來的一些字句,都能讓我的內心回復平靜。面對內心深處的想法時,我會不加思索,讓它自由流動,此刻的我變得平靜放鬆,這是照料自己的重要時刻。」日本的插畫師Kunomari常描繪大自然、動物、愉快的人們,作品予人寧靜愉悅的感覺,早前受到香港的跨媒體設計工作室viction:ary的邀請,以「寧靜」(Serenity)為靈感,與世界各地的插畫師共同創作出溫暖人心的藝術繪本《LIFE STILLS》

「《LIFE STILLS》是一本藝術插畫集,捕捉繁忙喧鬧的生活裡簡單的快樂,以及令人舒適放鬆的瞬間。眾多的作品重組了寧靜的氛圍,看似平凡的日常卻能觸動內心深處。個人來說,我很享受創作安靜、能點亮內心的畫,所以這繪本與我的創作概念很相似,很榮幸我的作品能與我非常尊敬的插畫師的作品出版在同一本書中呢。」繪本裡一幕幕的場景,明明是沒去過的地方,卻又如此熟悉,好像在哪裡見過,或是曾待過片刻,不禁讓人懷疑這些場景是否真實存在呢?或是內心曾夢想過的風景?








“When I slow down to savor a sip of tea, contemplate what to draw, or jot down the words and phrases that come to mind, a sense of calmness washes over my heart; and in the face of the profound thoughts within me, I let them flow freely without hesitation, and it makes me feel calm and relaxed. Moments like these hold significance in caring for our own well-being.” Kunomari, a Japanese illustrator known for depicting nature, animals, and joyful individuals, was invited by viction:ary, a cross-media design studio in Hong Kong, to collaborate with illustrators from around the world on an picture book titled LIFE STILLS that centers on the theme of serenity.

LIFE STILLS is a collection of illustrations that captures the subtle joys and comforting moments found amidst the hustle and bustle of life. The various works within this collection portray the seemingly ordinary daily scenes, recreating an atmosphere of tranquility that touches the soul. Personally, I find immense pleasure in creating illustrations that are quiet and serene that can luminate the heart. This book perfectly aligns with my vision. I feel a deep sense of honor to have my work published alongside the exceptional illustrations created by artists whom I deeply admire.” Every scene depicted in the collection, though portraying places one may have never been to, evokes a sense of familiarity. It is as if these landscapes have been glimpsed somewhere before or experienced fleetingly in passing moments. Do they truly exist, or are they perhaps manifestations of landscapes that were once dreamed of?


“When I create, I often find myself drawn to the depiction of ‘places that are not here’. This inclination arose naturally; but later on, I realized that it stems from a subconscious longing within me. Perhaps it originates from a sense of confinement I experienced during my childhood, prompting me to convey the message: ‘There undeniably exists a wonderful place out there that is more aligned with your unique essence.’”


Residing in Yokohama, Kanagawa Prefecture, Kunomari often takes walks through a nearby park overlooking the vast ocean. “When I look at the sea and observe the diverse individuals in the park, I realize that these people each have their own unique lives and narratives, and that realization warms my heart. I want to spend the rest of my life capturing fragments of people’s lives, transforming them into art.” Kunomari’s illustrations not only capture beautiful moments but also evoke profound narratives within those very instances. In particular, the recurring presence of people accompanied by dogs invites viewers to ponder the untold stories unfolding between them. “I once had a shepherd dog, and we shared many happy moments together. The dog’s departure deeply influenced my art. Dogs frequently appear in my works, and even without a single explanation in words, viewers can sense the profound significance of the dog’s presence. They have become an integral and meaningful element in my art.”


Kunomari’s artwork frequently features people accompanied by dogs. They could be playing on gentle hills, enjoying the crashing waves and sea breeze, or walking through vast snowy landscapes. “’Snowy Mountain’ is a pivotal piece that defined my artistic style and marked the first foray into incorporating dogs into my creations. The piece has a clear and concise composition that helps to portray the connection between humans and dogs more profoundly, while expressing the tranquility and serenity of the snow-covered mountains.” Kunomari’s art is a precious gift, gently reminding people not to overlook the abundance of beautiful landscapes awaiting exploration—the warm sunshine, crashing waves, blossoming flowers, starry nights, and the rich tapestry of companionship and emotions.
