
The Side Table: The Art of Imitation



丹麥設計師John Bauer某天經過哥本哈根一間咖啡店,看到店內一張張蓋上白色桌布的小茶几,桌布幾乎貼地,忽發奇想地拍了幾張照片,然後四處尋找適合的物料把蓋上桌布的茶几重現;最後以3mm厚度的亞加力膠製作出透明、如懸浮於空中般的茶几,成為經典的Illusion Table。每一張桌子都是於德國由人手製作,塑造出如布料般自然的垂墜感,設計簡約實用之餘,亦散發一陣幽默感,體現「模仿」藝術的最高境界。

GALLEON 銅鑼灣京士頓街9號地下B舖及一樓 2793 1109

The ancient Greek philosopher Heraclitus proposed the theory that “art imitates nature”, Aristotle went a step further to suggest that art itself is imitation. The word “imitate” may sound diminishing, but representing a certain subject matter truthfully while adding in some subjective perception is a task easier said than done. Such representation can sometimes be even more impressive than the original.

One day, when passing by a Café in Copenhagen, the Danish designer John Bauer spotted some side tables being covered by white tablecloth that almost touched the floor. He stopped and took a couple of photos. Afterward, he was on a quest looking for materials to recreate these side tables. Finally, he successfully used the 3 mm thick acrylic to make his classic “Illusion Table” — a side table that appears to be floating in the air. All Illusion Tables are handmade in Germany. The way the hanging tablecloth is recreated not only incorporates a minimalistic and practical element into the design, but it also exudes a sense of humor. This piece of work can be considered as an extraordinary achievement in “imitation” art.

GALLEON Shop B, G/F, and 1/F, 9 Kingston Street, Causeway Bay 2793 1109
