The Beauty Beneath My Feet

KiKusa 木草






There is a scene in Ryuichi Sakamoto: CODA where Sokamoto stands in the rain, a blue bucket atop his head to capture the sound. For a long time, I have wondered why that scene is so poignant to me.

Perhaps it comes down to Sakamoto’s inquisitiveness: to don an explorer hat and listen intently to that which shifts and bends to the sways of nature.

Somehow, the florist KiKusa reminds me of this scene.

KiKusa’s founder Shinya Horinouchi once said, “There is something striking about the way weeds and ferns grow beneath a canopy of trees – I want to evoke the same imagery in my floral arrangements.” The result is KiKusa, conceived in 2008.




The earthquake in 2011 radically changed the world as we once knew it. It, too, has shifted Horinouchi’s interest to nature, the central probe of which is a new way of thinking about life and death across species – and a new discourse around plants as a source of inner strength.

In the summer of 2013, Horinouchi shut down his shop in Osaka and moved back to his native Matsusaka. The landscape he saw was awash with memories of crouching in weeds as a child. The sky met with tall trees and ferns at the silhouette of the mountain range. Inspired, Horinouchi shifted his practice to wildflowers and weeds, all while experimenting with agriculture and the spectacle of life coming into being.

“In the great expanses of the open fields, you really see the immensity of the little things in nature,” says Horinouchi, who may or may not have been thinking of the cosmic beauty observed by William Blake: to see a world in a grain of sand, and a heaven in a wild flower.

在KiKusa成立十年後,他創作了全新作品系列 —— 懸掛植物「TURUSU」,以小王子裡的名句「L’essentiel est invisible pour les yeux.(真正重要的東西是肉眼無法看見的)」為註腳。



At KiKusa’s 10th anniversary, Horinouchi launched a new series of hanging plants – TURUSU, inspired by The Little Prince: “L’essentiel est invisible pour les yeux.” (What is essential is invisible to the eye)

Like inverted trees or surreal dreamscapes, these hanging plants address Horinouchi’s semiotics of life where, upon closer examination, things that seem ordinary at first glance beget a sense of wonder.

“To know that there is beauty beneath my feet – it’s enough to bring me joy.”


Why do we all find beauty in the sky?
Is it empathy?
