Evolution of Tradition

Notless Orequal

「Evolution of tradition」這句話聽來有點陳腔濫調,然而作為俄羅斯品牌Notless Orequal的銘言,卻又用得恰恰好,一句點明了這個品牌的屬性。

由Nikita Suetin於2015年創辦,Notless Orequal是一個位於克拉斯諾達爾邊疆區的包袋品牌,從設計、製作到行銷均由Suetin一手包辦,也許是這種貫徹始終地個人化的品牌,才能把個人理念發揮到淋漓盡致。如果光看他們包袋的設計細節,譬如是左右兩側的網袋、卸力背包腰帶和放隨手物品的前置小袋,可能會令你誤會是近年風行的極輕量品牌,然而真的把包包背上後,那份紮實感會立刻把你拉回來現實。

“Evolution of tradition” might sound a bit clichéd, but it is, however, the best motto for the Russian brand, Notless Orequal.

Founded by Nikita Suetin in 2015, Notless Orequal is a bag company based in Krasnodar Krai, Russia. As the founder, Suetine is responsible for everything from design, production to marketing. The hands-on set up ensures the brand’s aesthetics to be holistic. Take a look at Notless Orequal’s bags, you will see mesh pockets on the sides, hip belt, and front pouch for small items. These features might remind you of the ultra-light backpack which is rather common nowadays. However, the solid weight of a Notless Orequal backpack is what makes the difference.

相比起極輕量品牌愛用的,如X-Pac、Dyneema等科技物料,Notless Orequal擅長的是參考現代背山包袋造型,卻是用最傳統的物料,如皮革和帆布等,去製作既有現代設計視覺,同時兼具傳統觸感的包袋,也對應了品牌念茲在茲的一句話「Evolution of tradition」。

照片上的大背包,是Notless Orequal在今年初推出的設計,儘管以傳統物料製作,但各種設計細節倒充滿現代元素,除了現代背包標準配備的腰帶,還有腰帶上附的小包,以及可束的網袋設計,均流露一種介於傳統和新銳之間的設計哲學。不過Notless Orequal的設計只會少量生產,這個背包也已經完售,如果覺得品牌的設計和理念很對你的胃口,不妨多關注他們的動向,而始終是市場上不多見的優質獨立品牌,要覓得心頭好,似乎還得花點力氣。

Compared with brands that favoured very lightweight materials, such as X-Pac and Dyneema, Notless Orequal opts for more traditional materials, such as leather and canvas. The brand would take reference from modern backpack design and incorporate the ideas with traditional medium, creating a unique aesthetic that echoes with their motto, “Evolution of tradition”.

The backpack launched by Notless Orequal at the beginning of this year is, as usual, made of traditional materials. But the various details of the bag give a hint of contemporary aesthetic. For example, there is a small pouch attached to the standard hip belt. Also, the mesh pockets on the sides come with the rarely-seen draw-string. Unfortunately, Notless Orequal only produces in small quantities, and this backpack has already sold out. If you like the design and concept of Notless Orequal, I suggest you keep an eye on their future releases. After all, it is not easy to find a brand you like, and not to mention an independent brand that produces high-quality products.
