More than problem-solving

oito products


“The design solves problems — that’s right, but it should also give emotions and new user experience.” I came across this quote on oito’s website. I must confess that I didn’t find this saying particularly remarkable at the beginning. It was until later when I learnt about oito’s latest collection, Melt, that this sentence came across my mind again; and this time, it made so much sense.

來自烏克蘭基輔的設計工作室oito,由設計師Ivan Voitovych成立,旗下業務分別有室內設計、當代藝術設計,以及包含傢俱設計在內的產品設計業務。這個看起來有相當原型(Prototype)設計感的「Melt」傢俱系列,其實已經是完成品,以簡約的線條輪廓,帶來奇異的弧形線條造型。「Melt」系列以鋁金屬生產,結構上只一支主幹,搭配一個座腳,視覺上非常輕盈的同時,買來組裝的過程也非常輕鬆,品牌強調只消用兩顆螺絲即能成功組裝,裡裡外外都是極簡主義的體現。雖然真要使用起來時,有容易翻側傾倒的可能,但「Melt」似乎也志不在此?使用體驗是一回事,但相比起解決生活實際問題,衝擊人們對設計的固有印象,可能才是這個企劃最關切的主題。

oito is a design studio from Kiev, Ukraine founded by designer Ivan Voitovych. Their services range from interior design, contemporary art design, product design, to furniture design. One of their most well-known projects, Melt, is a collection of home accessories made of aluminum. Each piece from the collection blends together the simple lines and smooth, refined curves to form an extraordinary outlook that is similar to a design prototype rather than a finished product. Among which, the Melt coffee table, is a representation of minimalist, simplicity, lightness and unobtrusiveness. It comes with only one leg that is fastened to the tabletop from above, and to assemble the table, only two screws are required. While oito wishes to solve problems through their designs, it doesn’t seem to be much of a concern to them that the Melt coffee table might tip over when in actual use. So instead of placing user experience and practicality as the top priority, I’d say reimagining design may well be their ultimate goal.
