Reversible Furniture

Play YET ! by Smarin

近十年來設計界變化多端,其中一點最顯著的,就是不論品牌的規模大小,皆會強調自家商品的環保和可延續性,環保似乎已經成為產業間的顯學,是不可或缺的一環。不過來自法國的設計師Stéphanie Marin,卻早在上世紀九十年代,就已經相當重視環保設計,曾經以回收物料製作過時裝系列「Habits Magiques」。及後至2003年,她把目光從時裝轉移到室內設計上,創立品牌「Smarin」,製作出既是舒適宜人,同時不犧牲功能,並且兼具著環保和可延續性的傢俱設計。

The past decade has been like a roller-coaster ride in the design world. Among the many evolutions and changes that occurred, there is an increasing emphasis on environmental awareness and sustainability for different brands, regardless of their operating size and scale. However, the concept of environmental awareness is nothing new to the French designer Stéphanie Marin for she started her journey of eco-design back in the early 1990s. “Habits Magiques” is a lauded ready-to-wear collection created with recycled materials. In 2003, Marin applied her talents to the world of interior design and founded Smarin. Since then, the brand has been producing eco-friendly furniture that is comfortable, functional, and sustainable.

「Play YET !」,是Stéphanie Marin在2021年帶給世界的作品,是一個概念上近似於組裝模型的傢俱組。「Play YET !」以木頭和軟木為主要材質,使用者可以用這些組件,拼出像桌子、櫈子、長椅,層架和衣櫥,而甚至是給小孩遊玩的小木屋等,是一組變化多端,能拼出極多樣化傢俱的設計。設計中最特別的地方,是組合起來時既不用打釘,更不用膠水,即可組合起來,而且這一切都是「可逆轉」的,即在組合完成後,你依然能安全地拆卸下來,重新組成別種的傢俱。除了對環保、對環境的尊重外,設計對於可能經常需要搬屋,或者是喜歡新鮮感的家庭都相當的合宜,是一組可以帶著走,隨時適應各種環境變化的精心傢俱設計。

In 2021, Stéphanie Marin unveiled to the world her latest design, “Play YET !”, a functional furniture system that offers endless possibilities.The polyvalent set contains solid wooden shapes and blocks of cork which owners can use to construct a desk, stool, bench, partitions, wardrobe, or even a wooden hut for kids. Surprisingly, it requires no nails or screws to assemble, which means all constructed structures are “reversible” and can be easily disassembled and transformed into other furniture. The “Play YET !” is an eco-design that is well-suited for families who relocate often or constantly desire a household makeover thanks to its high adaptability thus making moving and layout changes a pleasant experience.
