The Universe in a Glass Jar

Hand blown glass by Peter Ivy

首次看到Peter Ivy的作品,並非在Arts & Science或是任何一家畫廊之內,而是於漆器師西村圭功(Keikou Nishimura)的家裡。瓶子被他珍而重之地從儲物櫃之中。玻璃瞹眛不明的灰綠色彩裡,滿佈著細細碎碎如同星塵般的氣泡,身上的光影漂浮不定,瓶子裡彷彿藏了一個宇宙。因為瓶子的頭上腰間綁著變了色調的銅線,一時之間我以為是舊物,後來才知道是Peter Ivy造的口吹玻璃瓶。

在那之後,我又於不少朋友家中遇到Peter Ivy的作品——水瓶、收藏咖啡豆用壼、玻璃碟子⋯⋯Peter Ivy製作的玻璃作品有著奇異的力量,將包圍著作品的空氣通通凝固起來,卻是柔軟的、啫哩狀的。它所置身的空間,都變得溫柔而溫暖。

西村先生收藏的是Peter Ivy的意大利粉瓶子,很奇怪地,就像我其他朋友,西村先生從來沒有使用過那口瓶子。Peter Ivy曾說,他希望能做出在使用過後美感會更完整的作品,不知道他會否為大家的「不用」而懊惱。然而我想西村先生的「不用」也是「用」,放在櫃子裡,每天看著時心裡感到充實,非行動上的使用,而是以心靈服用。

Where most people first see Peter Ivy’s works in the Arts & Science shop or other galleries, my first encounter with his work took place in the lacquerware artisan, Keikou Nishimura’s home. The glass jar made by Ivy was delicately placed in his cupboard. The ambiguous color of grayish green is filled with tiny air bubbles; the unstable reflection of light through the numerous bubbles forms a subtle but visible universe. At first glance, I didn’t recognize it as one of Ivy’s works, but mistook it as a vintage jar because of the copper thread with faded color tied to the jar.

I then continued to spot Peter Ivy’s works, like water jar, coffee bean container, and plates, at other friends’ places. The more I see them, the more I am aware of the magical power of Ivy’s works — they create such a gentle ambiance that instantly brings warmth and coziness to the surroundings.

A strange phenomenon that I observed was that, Nishimura and all my friends simply treat the glass objects made by Ivy as purely collectible items. Ivy once said that he wished the beauty of his works could be completely manifested when being used. Although the jar Nishimura owns was designed as a container for spaghetti, it has never been used as such. Perhaps Ivy would be confused by the fact that many of his works are not being actually utilized, but to me, I believe people simply transformed the practical use of these items into a sublime function of beautifying one’s soul.
