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When Life Gives You Lemons

Lemon Honey Madeleines

  • Words & Photography / Jo

檸檬蜜糖小蛋糕 (4個)

雞蛋  1隻
無鹽牛油  65克
佛手柑蜜糖  30克
砂糖  30克
檸檬皮  1個檸檬
中筋麵粉  65克
泡打粉  1茶匙
鹽  1小撮
糖霜  ½ 杯
牛奶  2湯匙


  1. 以小火溶掉牛油,放涼至室溫備用。
  2. 檸檬刨屑,只取黃色外皮,避去白色內皮部份。
  3. 將雞蛋、蜜糖、砂糖及檸檬皮發打至均勻。
  4. 把麵粉、泡打粉及鹽在另一個碗裡混合。
  5. 麵粉分兩次篩入雞蛋糊中,攪拌至剛好混合。
  6. 一邊輕輕攪拌麵糊,一邊倒入牛油溶液,攪拌至柔滑即可。
  7. 拌好的麵糊倒入檸檬形瑪德蓮蛋糕模。(或任何形狀的蛋糕糕模)
  8. 蛋糕模放入雪櫃冷凍約一小時。
  9. 焗爐預熱至180°C。
  10. 焗15分鐘*至金黃色,蛋糕焗好後倒在烤架上。
  11. 可因應喜好,混合牛奶與糖霜,淋在放涼了的蛋糕上。


Lemon Honey Madeleines  (4 pieces)

Egg  1 piece
Unsalted Butter   60g
Bergamot Honey  30g
Sugar  30g
Lemon Zest  1 lemon
All Purpose Flour . 65g
Baking Powder . 1 teaspoon
Salt   A pinch
Icing Sugar . ½ cup
Milk  2 tablespoons


  1. Melt the butter on low heat and cool it into room temperature.
  2. Finely zest the lemon. Avoid the pith.
  3. Whisk the egg, honey, sugar and zest together.
  4. In another bowl, mix the flour, baking powder and salt.
  5. Sift in the flour mixture to the wet ingredients in 2 batches. Mix till just combined.
  6. Pour in the melted butter while gently stirring the batter. Stir till creamy
  7. Pour the batter into a lemon-shaped madeleine pan. (Or any madeleine pans)
  8. Put the pan into the fridge for about an hour.
  9. Preheat the oven to 180°C.
  10. Bake for 15 minutes* till golden. Transfer the madeleines to a wire rack.
  11. Optional: Mix the icing sugar and milk to glaze the madeleines after they are cooled down.

*The madeleine pan I use in this recipe is larger than traditional ones. For regular-sized pans, bake 8-11 minutes till golden. Yield 8-10 madeleines.

前往札幌途上,看了A Star is Born。女主角Ally討厭自己的鼻子,人人都說她的鼻子太大,樣子不討好。男主角Jack不同意,說那鼻子他喜歡極了。在酒吧裡,他用手指從她眉心掃至鼻尖。






有時,當你與我面對面坐着,我老是忍不住要輕捏你的鼻子,而你會把五官擠作一團,眼耳口鼻眉毛都落在臉蛋的中央。你說,每當我捏你的鼻,你都會溶掉。有 一次,你說不要再在街上這樣做。




生活不易,我知道的,但「when life gives you lemons」,我都會給你將之變甜,親愛的。

I was watching A Star is Born on the way to Sapporo. Ally hates her nose which people often comment too big and that she doesn’t have the face people like. Jack totally disagrees. He says he loves it and, in a bar, he strokes her nose from between her eyebrows all the way down to the tip of her nose.

It reminded me how I did the same to you – from the top of your nose, with the tip of my index finger which, like all my other fingers, was so bare because I’m not good at trimming my nails and I liked to keep them short without nail polish for cooking and bread making, I stroke so ever lightly down to the tip of your nose, and sometimes all the way down to your chin after passing your soft lips, the softest I’ve ever kissed.

“Your nose is so cute, you know.”

“No one has ever said that.”

And I thought it’s absurd. The rest of the world must be blind.

Yet, like Jack, I couldn’t exactly describe how cute it is.

Often times when you sit across from me I couldn’t help but lightly pinch your nose, and you would

squeeze your face; your eyes, eyebrows, nose and lips, all squeezed into one place. You said you melted when I did that. You however once asked me not to do the pinch-my-nose thing in public.

“Why? You didn’t stop me just now.”

“I would never stop you but I want to be melted undisturbedly.”

I kept doing it whenever and wherever I wanted regardless. I love seeing that silly face like that you are having a too sour a lemon drop.

Life is hard, I know. But even when life gives you lemons, I’ll make sure they are sweet ones for you, honey.

Jo Liu

It’s raining outside, crisp and bleak. Three chubby sparrows took shelter on my balcony and I gave them the baguette bits left on my breakfast plate but they flew away. I stayed in, played Damien Rice on vinyl and made apple crumble. Repeat.

Instagram: foodialoguehk
