Tender & Dangerous SS19 Lookbook Image (5)

I won’t be a Rock Star. I will be a Legend.

Tattooed Gloves by Tender & Dangerous


I still remember those tattooed silk stockings that were in vogue years back. It always showed modesty along with a bit of sophistication wearing these seemingly transparent silk stockings with small embroidery patterns. Since they are not real tattoos, they do not breathe alongside your skin, and once the stockings are taken off, the patterns will disappear too. But despite so, who cares?

及時行樂比追求永恆來得真實,所以來自烏克蘭的飾物品牌Tender & Dangerous設計的刺青手套給了一個無痛的方案,設計師Christina Goncharenko和Katya Goldenstein採用彈性耐用的網布,加上繡花機繡上圖案後再以人手縫合,布料貼緊雙手,同時透氣舒適,讓人一戴下手套就如為雙手寫上當下的心情一樣,有趣又充滿詩意。她們喜愛取電影、歌詞、懷舊海報的浪漫標語等的元素於手套之中,如《這個殺手不太冷》的Leon的頭像、經典語句「I won’t be a Rock Star. I will be a Legend.」及Kanye West的歌詞等流行元素,令手套變得年輕大膽又風趣幽默,還帶點獨特怪異的風格,跳脫多變的圖案讓雙手變得目不暇給。

Relishing the moment is more realistic than chasing after eternity. That is why the tattooed gloves designed by Tender & Dangerous, an accessory brand from Ukraine, has come up with a painless solution. Using durable and flexible mesh fabrics, designers Christina Goncharenko and Katya Goldenstein added patterns, using a embroidery machine, and then sewing it all up by hand. The fabrics fit neatly with both hands while being breathable and comfortable. Putting the gloves on feels like writing down your current mood on your pair of hands, which is not only interesting but also poetic. They like to borrow from movies, lyrics and romantic catchphrases on classic posters and incorporate such elements into their gloves. For example, popular culture elements, including the head portrait of Leon from The Professional, the classic quote, “I won’t be a Rock Star. I will be a Legend.”, and also lyrics by Kanye West make the gloves look youthful, adventurous and humorous, while carrying a dash of bizarreness. Patterns which are innovative and come in a wide variety have made both hands a feast for the eyes.

I.T  Shop 252, Pacific Place, Admiralty, Hong Kong  2918 0667
