The Renewable Art

petit h By Hermès

升級改造是近年最熱門的詞語,別人眼中一文不值的廢棄物,在設計師眼中卻是珍貴的創作元素,不但能使廢棄物重獲新生,更帶來意想不到的驚喜。Hermès petit h系列由Hermès第六代家族成員Pascale Mussard創立,利用生產過程中的廢棄物或閒置的物料作為原材料,並與不同的藝術家與設計師合作,以全新的形式和用途重現眼前,設計出比主線更大膽年輕和親切可人的風格。

Upcycling — to transform “useless” by-products and waste materials into new materials and products — has become a fashionable buzzword embraced by many designers in recent years. The process does not only give new life to discarded materials but also brings out nice surprises. The petit h project was spearheaded by Pascale Mussard, the sixth-generation Hermès family member. The idea is to collaborate with artists and designers to upcycle the scraps and cast-offs, so as to give them a brand new face and purpose. Many of the designs are even more creative, youthful and friendly than the brand’s mainline.


相隔六年再度來港展覽的petit h系列,早前登陸Hermès位於中環置地太子的專門店,並請來香港擅於升級改造的產品設計師張瑋晉,把店舖化成天馬行空的奇幻空間。設計師由喚醒物料本身的價值、抹掉固有的標籤開始,讓各式各樣的物料自由地拼合交融,如稻草人飾物箱、加上翅膀的茶壺和非洲面具的皮革擺設,都是充滿幽默感的設計;而且每一件產品都是獨一無二或限量製作的,令系列顯得更珍貴。當中最注目的是橫跨店內三層、一棵以絲巾作花蕾的樹,多樣化的絲巾顏色與圖案,最能體現品牌的特色;配上取自日本摺紙設計為靈感的皮製動物,可愛生動,把專門店化身成充滿夢幻詩意與奇趣玩味的藝術館。



After six years, Hermès petit h is finally revisiting Hong Kong again and landed in its flagship store in Landmark Prince’s building, Central. Collaborating with the local upcycling artist Kevin Cheung, the brand has transformed the store into a magical wonderland. The designs are dedicated to reminding people of the intrinsic value of the materials by rejecting any presumed labeling. This collection of unexpected and humorous combinations of ideas — the scarecrow jewelry case, the teapot with wings, and the leather decorative pieces designed as African totem — are either uniquely made or made in a very limited quality, which makes the items even more valuable. Not to be missed in the petit h exhibition is also the three-story-tall tree that uses silk scarf as buds. The great variety of scarves in colorful print used in the tree has well represented the brand’s personality. Together with the leather animal installations inspired by the Japanese origami, the flagship store has become a playful and fairy-tale-like gallery.

Giving a second life to materials is perhaps the greatest respect human can give to the materials.

After Hong Kong, petit h will fly to the Hermès store in Chengdu, China, where it will stay from 25 April to 19 May 2019.
